
Improvement focused governance: guidance for non-executive directors

Resource booklet for NHSScotland board members with an interest in improvement governance.

Principles of Improvement Focused Governance

Principles of good governance have been referred to in the guide "What NHS Non Executive Directors can expect from Induction" and "Being Effective: What Non Executive Directors Need to Know". The principles that most directly support improvement focused governance are outlined below:

Clearly defined functions and roles are performed effectively.

Effectiveness will differ in accordance with the area of governance being considered and should be informed by the relevant guidance referred to at Annex A. A good understanding of the subject area, complemented by appropriate dialogue with operational staff working in the areas concerned is vital to provide a personal context to improvement focused governance. This understanding can often maximise the effectiveness of contributions that come through a 'fresh pair of eyes'.

Values of openness and accountability are promoted and demonstrated through actions.

This will be reflected in the contributions in meetings, the way in which discussions are documented, where and how information is made available.

Informed and transparent decisions are taken to ensure continuous quality improvement.

Staff are supported and developed.

Almost all dimensions of improvement focused governance require a working understanding of the way in which staff have been involved, supported. If this is not apparent from the information that is presented then it will be vital to seek this and to support ways of supporting and developing staff who are involved.

All actions are focused and can be described in ways that articulate the impact on outcomes relating to the provision of high quality, safe, effective and person-centred services.


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