
Improving General Practice Sustainability Group: 2019 Report

Progress report based on the workings of the Sustainability Working group and the recommendations of the 2017 Sustainability Report.



2. Scottish General Practitioner Committee

3. Royal College of General Practitioners

4. British Medical Association

5. General Medical Services

6. Memorandum of Understanding between Scottish Government, British Medical Association, Integration Authorities and NHS Boards - GMS Contract Implementation in the context of Primary Care Service Redesign, published 13 November 2018

7. Education and development opportunities for nurses working in General Practice teams can be found at:

8. See Annex C, which illustrates the 55 recommendations in the action plan

9. R2: Develop a Practice Sustainability Network, R3: Create a longer term Practice Sustainability Group,R4: Promoting the use of a Practice Sustainability Assessment Tool

10. The Joint Department for Health and Social Care and Department for Work and Pensions Health Unit recently announced that occupational therapists working in employment and vocation could sign off on the Fit Note, usually completed by GPs.

11. Health Improvement Scotland

12. Know Who to Turn To is being replaced by the national directory of services which will be available on the website.

13. See Annex A, Case Study 1, page 12

14. See Annex E, page 16

15. R21: Remove discretionary elements under the contract for maternity, paternity and adoptive leave & R22: Review the numbers of patients required for a practice to qualify for locum cover for sick leave as detailed in the SFE

16. See Annex B, Case Study 2, page 13.

17. Best use of the MDT skills mix will become apparent over time.

18. Recommendations 4 & 5;

19. More than 60% of visit are being undertaken by physiotherapists and that could quickly become 80% if they are to become prescribers.

20. R10

21. Forth Valley, Tayside and Highland

22. A global public sector community that enables people to connect digitally and share knowledge, best practice, learn from experiences and inspire innovation and new ways of working.

23. A CLW is a non-clinical role ideally integrated or embedded in the primary care MDT. Their purpose is to improve patient health and well-being and tackle health inequalities and by doing so reduce pressure on general practice.

24. Evaluation of the impact on GP surgeries of the Citizens Advice Bureau Health Outreach Service (2010)

25. A Welfare Rights Officer(WRO) is a specialist CLW providing bespoke welfare rights advice.

26. Case note from John Budd, GP at Edinburgh Access Practice (EAP)

27. Comment from Carey Lunan, GP at Craigmillar Practice

28. Comment from Kate Burton, Scottish Public Health Network

29. Scottish Online Appraisal Resource template

30. Comment from Dr Tommy Hunter, senior GP partner at Barns

31. Advanced Care Providers/Advanced Nurse Practitioners

32. Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals


Email: Hilary Lagha

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