Improving the Lives of Scotland's Gypsy/ Travellers 2: action plan 2024-2026 - easy read

Easy read version of the second joint action plan by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

5. Give communities power and deal with racism and discrimination

What communities told us:

  • more work is needed to fight racism and discrimination

We need to make sure that:

  • Gypsy/Travellers can confidently and safely report hate crime
  • work is done to investigate hate crimes
  • need better representation

Gypsy/Travellers and their needs should be represented when decisions are made in public services, the Scottish Parliament and Council chambers.

We need better facts, figures and information about Gypsy/Travellers to better understand their issues.

  • have more people to speak up for Gypsy/Traveller communities

This includes councillors and officials working with and supporting Gypsy/Traveller communities.

Objective 25

Have leaders who will:

  • challenge racism and discrimination
  • promote Gypsy/Traveller’s rights
  • recognise Gypsy/Traveller history and culture

Objective 26

Work with Gypsy/Traveller communities to make sure they are involved when decisions that affect them are made.

Objective 27

Make sure communities understand their human rights and how to make sure their rights are protected.

Objective 28

Have better ways for children and young Gypsy/Travellers to have their views heard.

Objective 29

Have better ways for young Gypsy/Travellers to:

  • improve their skills and confidence to help with decisions
  • challenge and change prejudice and discrimination

Objective 30

Make sure the views of Gypsy/Travellers are listened to in our Hate Crime Strategy Delivery Plan.

Objective 31

Help more people to use devices and get online in Gypsy/Traveller communities.

Objective 32

Make sure more people know and understand the different experiences of Gypsy/Traveller communities.



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