
Improving outcomes for children, young people and families: review of Children’s Services Plans and strategic engagement activity

Summary review of children’s services plans for 2020 to 2023, in line with the Children and Young Peoples (Scotland) Act 2014, statutory guidance part 3. Highlighting key strengths, areas for development and details from strategic engagement with local children’s services planning strategic leads.

Glossary of Commonly Used Terms





Additional Support Needs

Children or young people that require additional support over and above that received by children of the same age to meet their educational outcomes.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

A specialist service delivered by multi-disciplinary teams for children and young people.


Centre of Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland

Scottish Educational Institute based in University of Strathclyde that supports public organisations to drive service change to support children and young people.


Children in Scotland

Children in Scotland is an organisation which supports a network of people working with children, alongside children and young people themselves to offer a broad, balanced and independent voice.


Community Learning and Development

Community based learning and personal development opportunities available to all ages.


Collective Leadership Group

The COVID-19 Children and Families Collective Leadership Group (CLG) brings together national and local government and a broad range of other partners to identify and respond to immediate concerns for children, young people and families with vulnerabilities during the pandemic. The Group now also provides longer term support for the recovery phase, with a focus on strategic change.


Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

COSLA is a councillor led, cross party organisation that provides advocacy for and represents the interests of Scottish Local Authorities at a national level.


Community Planning Partnership

The name given to all the services that come together to take part in community planning. There are 32 across Scotland, one for each council area.


Children's Services Plan

Each CSPP is required to produce a 3 Year Children's Services Plan outlining the collective actions the CSPP will undertake to improve outcomes for children and young people.


Children's Services Planning Partnership

The collective of services and organisations working in partnership to improve children, young people and families wellbeing through delivery of services and support set out in each area's CSP.


Children, Young People and Families

An abbreviation of children, young people and families.


Children and Young Peoples Improvement Collaborative

A Scottish Government led Improvement collaborative with a focus on supporting the development of Improvement work across Scotland.


Family Support Advisory Group

A multi-agency governance group with responsibility for overseeing development work relating to the Whole Family Support Approach.


Getting it Right For Every Child

GIRFEC is Scotland's national approach to supporting children, young people and their families.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

A strategic needs assessment is required as part of the development of a Children's Services Plan.


Local Outcome Improvement Plan

A Statutory Plan aligned to the Community Engagement Act 2015 requiring all Community Planning Partnerships to produce a 10 year LOIP.


National Care Service

The National Care Service Bill was published on 20 June 2022.





National Health Service

Publically Funded Health Services in the United Kingdom.


National Performance Framework

The National Performance Framework identifies National Outcomes for Scotland and a framework for monitoring progress.


National Records Scotland

Scottish Government Department responsible for record keeping and demographic analysis (such as the CENSUS).


Office of the Chief Social Work Advisor

Scottish Government Department responsible for governance of Social Work.


Public Health Scotland

The national public health body for Scotland.


Quality Improvement

General term associated with Quality Improvement Methodology.


Scottish Children's Reporter Association

SCRA is a national body that focusses on supporting children most at risk. It facilitates the work of Children's Reporter and providing support for children and young people through the Children's Hearing System.


Supporting the Third Sector Project

A project funded by Scottish Government and managed through Children in Scotland with the role of improving the involvement of the Third Sector in Children's Services Planning.


Third Sector Interface

TSIs provide a single point of access of support and advice for the Third Sector within local areas.


United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

A list of 40 articles identified by the UN on the rights of the child.


Whole Family Wellbeing Fund

In line with the Programme for Government 2021, a fund to enable a transformational shift in the way family support is delivered from crisis intervention to early intervention.


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