Scotland's children's services plans 2023-2026 review: improving outcomes for children, young people and families

Review of children's services plans for 2023 to 2026, in line with Part 3 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. This report presents key findings from the review of Scotland’s 30 Children’s Services Plans (CSPs) which cover the planning cycle for 2023 to 2026.

Foreword by the Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise

The role of Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise is a role that I feel truly privileged to hold. Since April 2023 when I came into post, I have had the pleasure of visiting Children’s Services Planning Partnership (CSPP) areas across Scotland to see first-hand the range of services, supports and projects which are being delivered locally, and to hear about the positive difference these make to the lives of babies, children, young people and families. I continue to be impressed by the ways in which Children’s Services Planning partners innovate and work collaboratively to drive forward action to safeguard, support and promote child wellbeing.

Children’s Services Planning duties came into force in 2016, through enactment of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 (Part 3). This legislation remains a key part of the Scottish Government’s strategy for making Scotland the best place in the world to grow up, and it is underpinned by our commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Scotland’s internationally recognised approach Getting it right for every child. Children’s Services Planning sets out our legal framework for place-based strategic planning of services for children and families, through local delivery of support which spans from prevention to protection.

The legislation sets out a requirement to develop and publish a Children’s Services Plan every three years, reporting annually on its progress. These plans describe how partners will work together and with local communities, to plan and deliver the right types of services and support so these result in improved life experiences and outcomes for the children and families living in that area. The 2014 Act also requires Children’s Services Plans to be reviewed on behalf of Scottish Ministers, against a set of statutory criteria.

This report provides a national overview of the findings from the review of Scotland’s Children’s Services Plans for 2023-2026. The analysis considers the effectiveness of Children’s Services Planning arrangements, as well as detailing connected policy developments and improvement activity already underway. Feedback has also been provided to each individual CSPP area, based on their Children’s Services Plan. These review findings show us where things work well, but also adds to our understanding of where improvements are needed. In my role as Minister, I remain committed to ensuring the Scottish Government continues to listen to where and how we can help to address identified barriers to improving the lives of children and their families, and recognise the importance of continued partnership with national and local stakeholders to shape solutions. By maximising opportunities for shared learning, we can scale and spread good practice, and create the conditions to deliver this consistently and reliably across Scotland.

Children’s Services Planning remains fundamental to the achievement of Scotland’s national outcomes, as well as responding to local priorities and needs. This includes an unwavering commitment to Keep The Promise, and to eradicate child poverty, as well as making sure holistic whole family support is available when it is needed, for as long as it is needed, to help prevent families entering crisis. The collective local leadership of Children’s Services Planning Partnerships remains pivotal to delivery of an effective and impactful whole system approach, drawing on community-based, statutory, and third sector partners, and your hard work and dedication is recognised, and appreciated.

No single policy, sector, organisation, service, or individual in isolation can make the changes needed to improve outcomes for children and families across Scotland. It is only through the cumulative impact of our collective expertise, knowledge, skills and experience, that we will truly make a difference.

In reading this report I hope you share my pride in celebrating the achievements and good practice delivered through Children’s Services Planning Partnerships so far, and join me in a shared commitment to be and deliver the change we want to see, so that every child in Scotland grows up loved, safe and respected.

Natalie Don-Innes
Minister for Children, Young People and The Promise

Foreword from the Children’s Services Strategic Leads Network Co-Chairs

As co-chairs of the national Children’s Services Planning Strategic Leads Network, we are delighted to share this report which provides an overview of Children’s Services Planning across Scotland, covering the period since the last review of Children’s Services Plans (2020-2023) in 2021.

The Children’s Services Planning Strategic Leads Network provides a crucial engagement forum from which we can build on existing strengths, and harness the collective leadership of Children’s Services Planning partners to deliver improvements at national and local level. This also supports us to shape the development of future policies and practice, in ways which reflects the varying needs and experiences of children, young people and families across Scotland.

We value the huge contribution made by the different sectors, services, and professions who have a vital role in delivering the services and support which makes the difference to the lived experiences of children and young people. We do not underestimate the current difficulties faced by the workforce in day-to-day delivery of services against a very challenging context. In presenting this report we would like to acknowledge and thank you for the tenacity and dedication shown across the workforce to provide services and support for children, young people and families across Scotland, and we look forward to continuing our work together.

Andrew Watson (Director, Directorate for Children and Families, Scottish Government)

Alison Sutherland (Head of Support, The Promise Scotland)



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