Scotland's children's services plans 2023-2026 review: improving outcomes for children, young people and families

Review of children's services plans for 2023 to 2026, in line with Part 3 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. This report presents key findings from the review of Scotland’s 30 Children’s Services Plans (CSPs) which cover the planning cycle for 2023 to 2026.


1 One for each local authority area, with a Tayside Collaborative CSPP for Angus, Dundee, and Perth & Kinross.

2 “We grow up loved, safe, and respected, so that we can realise our full potential”

3 SHANARRI: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included. For more information on Wellbeing and GIRFEC see Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - (

4 These include COSLA, Care Inspectorate, The Promise Scotland, Public Health Scotland, The Improvement Service Scotland, Children in Scotland, and CELCIS

5 Mean: 5.7 priorities; median: 5 priorities.

6 Thrive Under 5 is a two-year project funded by the Scottish Government and led by Health Improvement staff from NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde in three Glasgow areas. The programme aims to support children under the age of five in achieving a healthy weight.

7 HENRY is the ‘Healthy Families Right from the Start' programme, which helps parents and carers with children up to five years old to provide a healthier, happier start in life.

8 Appendix A contains a full list of links to the CSPs.

9 Use of the term Children, Young People and Families includes unborn babies and support to parents/carers/families throughout pregnancy.

10 These include COSLA, Care Inspectorate, The Promise Scotland, Public Health Scotland, The Improvement Service Scotland, Children in Scotland, and CELCIS



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