
Tackling inequality: guidance on making budget decisions

Informal guidance for policy makers on equality and human rights budgeting. The booklet challenges policy makers to systematically think through 6 key questions to identify ways in which budget decisions could be improved to advance human rights and address inequalities. Budget decisions include both those made about the money we spend and decisions about how revenue is raised.

Why is tackling inequality important?

In 2018 the revised National Performance Framework (NPF) was published. The overarching purpose of the NPF is to: ‘focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased wellbeing, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth’.

Tackling inequality in outcomes is central to the purpose, outcomes and values
in the NPF. It is also a legal requirement and it is of economic and social importance.* Scotland’s Economic Strategy prioritises creating a fairer society
as essential to the sustained, long-term prosperity of the Scottish economy.
It draws on international evidence that promoting competitiveness and addressing inequality are mutually reinforcing.

“Greater equality of opportunity will make a real difference to the lives of those who suffer disadvantage; but it will do so much more than that. It will boost our economy and enhance the quality of life of all of us. It will help to create not just a fairer nation, but one that is wealthier, healthier and happier.”

First Minister
Priorities for Government speech, May 2016

* The Equality Act 2010 and related Public Sector Equality Duty and Scottish Specific Duties as well as the Fairer Scotland Duty together require public authorities to pursue and report on advancing equality and tackling inequality.



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