
Improving the Lives of Scotland’s Gypsy/Travellers 2: action plan 2024-2026

Second joint action plan by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).


Scottish Government and COSLA have a longstanding commitment to ensuring we support Gypsy/Travellers, one of the most marginalised groups of people in Scotland, to lead happy, productive and fulfilled lives. Improving the lives of Scotland’s Gypsy/Traveller communities is a significant human rights commitment and tackling the deep-rooted inequalities will help us deliver the fairer Scotland we want.

The progress we have made through the ‘Improving the lives of Gypsy/Travellers’ joint action plan published in 2019 is testimony to the collaborative work of national and local government, the dedication and tireless efforts of third sector organisations, and most of all, the determination of Gypsy/Travellers to ensure better futures for their communities.

During the last 12 months, we have been speaking with Gypsy/Travellers across Scotland to ensure their voices are, once again, at the centre of this second national joint action plan. This has been an important listening exercise incorporating more than 10 events in different locations, hearing from over 100 individual Gypsy/Traveller voices.

We have seen and heard evidence of the positive impact current initiatives are making on Gypsy/Traveller communities across Scotland. For example, the Gypsy/Traveller Accommodation Fund represents a significant collective investment in culturally appropriate accommodation needed to meet the needs of communities, and the success of the Community Health Worker programme supported Gypsy/Traveller communities overcome barriers to accessing health and other public services.

A stronger relationship and mutual trust has also developed between our institutions and communities in the last few years, and we want to continue working with communities to continue to build shared understanding, trust and cooperation.

However, we recognise that there is still work to improve the lives of Gypsy/Travellers. We will build on the successes we have had to date and will make further progress in many areas such as accommodation, health, education and combatting discrimination through measurable actions in this refreshed plan. With the Scottish Government’s Ministerial Oversight Group for Gypsy/Travellers and COSLA’s Community Wellbeing Board there is a strong commitment to ensure sector-wide responsibility for the actions and that progress is regularly reviewed, in conjunction with Gypsy/Traveller communities.

We would like to thank all the parties involved in the development of this second action plan – in particular stakeholders, partners, and community members for their invaluable contribution. We look forward to continuing to work together in delivering on our agreed actions and creating long-lasting positive change.

Kaukab Stewart MSP, Minister for Equalities

Councillor Maureen Chalmers, COSLA Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing



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