Improving Our Understanding of Seabird Behaviour at Sea

This project collated tracking data from five seabird species thought to be vulnerable to offshore wind farms. These data were analysed to understand whether seabird distribution data, usually undertaken in daytime, good weather conditions, were representative of behaviour in other conditions.

5 Acknowledgements

This project was funded by the Scottish Government's The Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) Contract Research Fund. We wish to that Marine Scotland and the project steering group for support and guidance throughout this project..

The project would not have been possible without the collaboration of others who supplied data. We thank the RSPB, and particularly Ian Cleasby for help and advice, for supplying data collected as part of the FAME and STAR projects. Francis Daunt (CEH) supplied data for Kittiwakes, Guillemots and Razorbills from the Isle of May. Keith Hamer (University of Leeds) supplied data for Gannets from the Bass Rock and Jon Green (University of Liverpool) supplied Gannet data collected from Alderney in collaboration with the Alderney Wildlife Trust and its' Track A Gannet programme and additional data from Puffin Island.

Marine Scotland is the directorate of the Scottish Government responsible for the integrated management of Scotland’s seas. Marine Scotland Science (formerly Fisheries Research Services) provides expert scientific and technical advice on marine and fisheries issues. These reports are not subject to formal external peer

This report presents the results of marine and freshwater scientific work carried out for Marine Scotland under external commission.

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Chris B. Thaxter, Daniel T. Johnston, Gary D. Clewley, Elizabeth M. Humphreys and Aonghais A.S.C.P. Cook

Report of work carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology on behalf of Marine Scotland

July 2019

The British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU

Registered Charity No. 216652



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