
Health and social care: improving wellbeing and working cultures

Improving wellbeing and working cultures (IWWC), sets out our vision to enhance working cultures across our health, social care and social work workforce, through programmes of work at a national level that focus on the pillars of: wellbeing, leadership and equality.

Development and Monitoring

An Improved Wellbeing and Working Cultures Action Plan will follow in Summer 2024 to show how improvements against the three areas of Wellbeing, Leadership and Equalities will be made nationally. This plan is being developed in collaboration with stakeholders and will outline key deliverables that will begin taking us closer to our vision.

In accordance with the PSED, which provides the legal framework for how we monitor, measure, improve and report on our work to continuously improve equality in the workplace, we have begun an Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for the Action Plan. This is to ensure that the work we do is delivering the positive impact it is meant to for all, regardless of their protected characteristics, soci-economic status, or geographic location. The EQIA will be published alongside the Action Plan.

The delivery of national interventions across the three pillars is critical to the successful delivery of the “Nurture” strand of our National Workforce Strategy. Nurturing our current and future workforces is critical to the delivery of wider ambitions within health, social care and social work, including staff retention, reducing sickness absence, longer-term recovery and service reform.

This document also includes the commitment to develop an Improving Wellbeing and Working Cultures 'In Action’ Guide. The Guide will be co-designed and developed in collaboration with staff and will illustrate what good working cultures looks and feels like across heath, social care and social work. This Guide will also provide real working examples of improvements to working cultures under our pillars of wellbeing, leadership and equality that other sectors can learn from and choose to enact in their own workplace.



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