
Included, engaged and involved part 1: promoting and managing school attendance

Guidance to education authorities in Scotland on the promotion of good attendance and the management of attendance.

Appendix 2
SEEMIS codes

Attendance/Absence Reason

Attendance/Absence Code

Notes on completion

Authorised/ Unauthorised absence

Extended leave with parental consent


Extended leave with parental consent is not to be considered the same as a family holiday. Extended leave with parental consent should be recorded separately outside the figures for attendance and absence, and includes circumstances such as:

extended overseas educational trips not organised by the school

short-term parental placement abroad

family returning to its country of origin (to care for relative, or for cultural reasons)

See 5.5 Diverse school communities for further information.

This will not be included within the Attendance and Absence statistics calculations, either in the numerator or denominator.




Attendance at school

Learning outwith the school provided by a college or other learning provider while still on the roll of the school

Educational visits, day and residential visits to outdoor centres

Interviews and visits relating to further and higher education or careers events

Debates, sports, musical or drama activities in conjunction with the school

Study leave for pupils participating in national exams, if arranged by the school during the period of the national examination timetable

Receiving tuition via hospital or outreach teaching services.


Late 1: Arrives before 50% of opening


Where a child or young person has arrived late but during the first half of the opening, this will be marked as late (L1). This is regardless of whether the lateness is for a valid reason.

See 4.5 Registration and recording lateness for further information.


Work experience



Work experience, arranged or agreed by the school

Volunteering, arranged or agreed by the school


Sickness with educational provision


This may include time spent on sick leave or maternity leave, with parental confirmation or medical certificate, and where adequate educational provision has been made.

Guidance on Education of Children Absent from school through Ill-health.

See 4.3 Providing for pupils during long term illness for further information.


Sickness with no education provision


This would include any time where a pupil is off sick, with parental confirmation or medical certificate, and section 14 of Education (Scotland) Act 1980 is not applicable. See Guidance on Education of Children Absent from school through Ill-health.


Late 2: Arrives after 50% of opening


Where a child or young person has arrived late but during the second half of the opening, then this will be marked as Late (L2). This recording is regardless of whether the lateness is for a valid reason.

For schools using period-by-period registration, any registration in periods beginning in the second half of the opening, without any registration in periods beginning in the first half of the opening, will be converted to an overall L2 code for the opening (even if a later period is subsequently missed).

See 4.4 for further information.


Family holidays authorised by school


Under exceptional circumstances schools can authorise a family holiday during term time. Such circumstances may include exceptional domestic circumstances, where a parent’s employment is of a nature where school-holiday leave cannot be accommodated (e.g. armed services, emergency services, professions where parents are required to work away from the family for prolonged periods of time).

A family holiday classified under the “authorised absence” category should not include reasons such as:

The availability of cheap holidays

The availability of desired accommodation

Poor weather experienced during school holidays

Holidays which overlap the beginning or end of term

Parental difficulty in obtaining leave

See 6.3 Family holidays during term time for further information.


Exceptional domestic circumstances (authorised)


This relates to short-term exceptional domestic circumstances. Absences related to short-term exceptional domestic circumstances can be classified as either authorised or unauthorised absence. Authorised absence under this heading covers situations such as:

the period immediately after an accident or illness

a period of serious or critical illness of a close relative

a domestic crisis which causes serious disruption to the family home, causing temporary relocation

See 5.2 for further information.


Other authorised absence



Immediate family weddings


Religious observances

Attendance at court

Attendance at childcare review

Attendance at children’s hearing

Lack of transport – including due to bad weather

Sporting & cultural events not arranged by the school, but approved by them.

See 5.1 for further information.


Medical and dental


Attendance at medical and dental appointments.

See 5.3 Medical and Dental appointments. For those recording period by period, any opening that contains at least 1 session of attendance will be converted to ‘attendance’ for statistical purposes. For schools with one registration per opening, a medical and dental recording should be recorded as ‘attendance’ if the child or young person attends for any part of the opening, for statistical purposes.

It is assumed that the school will note the fact that the child or young person was not in attendance for the full opening, for legal purposes.


Family holidays not authorised by school


Family holidays should not be recorded as authorised absence, other than in exceptional circumstances, where a parent’s employment is of a nature where school-holiday leave cannot be accommodated.

A family holiday classified under the “authorised absence” category should not include reasons such as:

  • The availability of cheap holidays
  • The availability of desired accommodation
  • Poor weather experienced during school holidays
  • Holidays which overlap the beginning or end of term
  • Parental difficulty in obtaining leave

See 6.3 Family holidays during term time for further information.


Truancy, including unexplained absence

Occasional absence without parental awareness


Include all absence for which no adequate explanation has been provided.

See 6 for further information.


Exceptional domestic circumstances (unauthorised)


Under section 14 of the 1980 Act, education authorities must make special arrangements to ensure young people with care responsibilities do not miss out on their entitlement to an education.

If a pupil is unable to attend school due to care responsibilities, there is an expectation that additional support services will be assessed to support the pupil, and their absence from education will not be long‑term and therefore categorised as authorised absence.

However, where additional services have not been accessed by the pupil and care responsibilities become long term, the absence should be categorised as unauthorised absence.

See 4.8 Long–term domestic circumstances for further information.


Other unauthorised absence


Include any other reasons for unauthorised absence: e.g. where a parent is refusing to send their child to school following a dispute with school.

See 6.2 for further information.


Temporary exclusion


Include all pupils excluded from school.

Where a decision has been taken to remove a pupil from the register following an exclusion, the school is not expected to continue to mark the pupil as absent.

For further clarification please refer to the ScotXed Advice Note SXD04/2006 – “Accurate recording of absence of pupils who are excluded from school for a period of time on a ‘temporary’ basis.”

See 3.7 Exclusion from School for further information.

Separate category of absence



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