
Included, engaged and involved part 2: preventing and managing school exclusions

Part two of guidance document 'Included, Engaged and Involved', which refreshes the national policy on school exclusions.

Annex C - Checklists of Key considerations to be made prior to, during and after exclusion

The following checklists are intended as a useful tool to support schools and local authorities prior to, during, and after exclusion and should be adapted to fit local context. These checklists should be used together in order to ensure support is provided at the appropriate time to meet the wellbeing needs of children and young people.

Checklist 1a (this should be used alongside checklist 1b where appropriate) - Prior to an exclusion

Key consideration questions Consideration given Comment
Has the child or young person been excluded before? What was impact of this?
Have the following been engaged to help prevent exclusion? Child or young person; Parents/carers; Key education staff; and Other professionals (e.g. Social work, Educational Psychologist).
Has there been clear assessment of the child or young person and their needs?
Have additional support/interventions been provided for the child or young person?
Have alternative arrangements been made for the child or young person prior to the exclusion? e.g. curriculum alternatives, temporary placement in base, use of virtual learning
How can the staged intervention process and school partnerships be utilised to further support this child or young person?
Has the incident that precipitated the consideration of exclusion been reviewed with all staff who were present to explore fully what happened?
Has another professional from within the school who is not directly involved, been consulted on the situation in order to provide a different perspective?
Has the child or young person been consulted on their views of the situation?
Has Pupil Support/Guidance/Key worker, or if available, has the lead professional been consulted on how to move forward?
Has the possible impact of exclusion on the child or young person been considered in light of individual circumstances?
Does the child or young person's recent presentation constitute a wellbeing concern?
What might the impact of an exclusion be on a child or young person's wider circumstances?
What impact might an exclusion have on the planning processes?
Has a risk assessment been completed for the child or young person where appropriate?
What are the hoped for outcomes of an exclusion? Are there other alternatives that might achieve this?
Has there been consideration given to length of exclusion to ensure it is proportionate and in best interests of child/young person?
Does the exclusion comply with the regulation 4 of the 1975 regulations as amended?
Have the rights of the child or young person been considered, with regard to articles of UNCRC?
Have all other options been considered before deciding on exclusion as a necessary step?

Checklist 1b (to be used alongside checklist 1a if appropriate) - Individual circumstances

Individual circumstance Additional consideration Consideration given Comments
Looked After child Social worker consulted prior to decision
Education manager or lead professional (where one exists) consulted on plan regarding particular issues
Appropriate arrangements made with regard to support/care and wellbeing at home
Decision made as to whether exclusion to go ahead
Child on Child Protection Register/child protection concerns previously raised Child Protection Designated Officer and Social Worker consulted
SEEMiS checked for child protection message
Education authority consulted about appropriate provision
Appropriate arrangements for return into school considered
Child with additional support needs Other professionals involved with child consulted on continuation of any additional input
Confirmation sought that child or young person is not being excluded for reasons associated with disability
Ensure that child or young person is not being excluded for reasons associated with a protected characteristic
Account is taken of impact of exclusion on child or young person's learning and support provision
Consideration is given to review of any Child's plan or Coordinated Support Plan
Transition planning is taken into account with regard to return to school
Children from an area of socioeconomic deprivation Consideration should be given to the impact on child's wellbeing, e.g. free school meals

Checklist 2 - Decision to exclude has been made (this checklist should be used after completion of Checklist 1a (and 1b where appropriate)

Action to be taken Action taken Comment
Child or young person is informed he/she is to be excluded
Immediately inform parents/carers verbally
Looked after children and children or young people on Child Protection Register/child protection concerns - communication with all potential carers as well as any person who may have parental rights and responsibilities
Looked after children and children or young people on Child Protection Register/child protection concerns - decision communicated to lead professional, Social Worker, Key Worker, Foster Carer, Educational Psychologists and Head of Service
Make arrangements for child or young person to be sent or taken home. Child or young person not to leave school until safety, health and wellbeing assured and appropriate arrangements are in place
If parents/carers cannot be contacted child or young person must be supervised at school until suitable arrangements can be made
If verbal contact made, follow up by written confirmation of exclusion on same day exclusion takes place. Include reason for exclusion and information on Right of Appeal
Inform of date, time and place where Head Teacher or official of authority is available to discuss the exclusion
If child or young person is of legal capacity inform them in writing of exclusion and right of appeal
Record of exclusion filled out - incident report form
Ensure exclusion is recorded accurately on SEEMiS
All documents relating to exclusion to be retained in Pupil's Progress Record
Appropriate educational provision to be provided and monitored, e.g. course work, access to library, online learning
Arrangements for the child or young person to access any existing support made (outwith school if necessary)
A contact person should be allocated for parent/carer/young person to liaise with re. educational provision
Parent/carer should be informed of their responsibility to ensure child or young person is provided with appropriate education throughout the period of exclusion
Parent/carer should be provided with information on support to assist them or advocate on behalf of child or young person
Notify local authority
If exclusion is lengthy or multiple, refer to local authority for support in decision making
If parent/carer and/or child or young person exercise their right of appeal, meet with parent/carer and child or/young person and/or an advocate for the child to discuss
Referral to Scottish Children's Reporter if appropriate

Checklist 3 - Return to school after exclusion

Action to be taken Action taken Comment
School meet or discuss with parent/carer and child or young person - re-admission to school not dependant on this taking place
Appropriate planning takes place to ensure support is provided
Risk assessment is completed where appropriate
Needs of staff and other children and/or young people taken into account - solution oriented/restorative meeting held if appropriate
Flexible package of support agreed and implemented where appropriate
Any changes to timetable for limited period recorded on SEEMiS
Staged intervention processes continued and adapted in light of exclusion
Consideration given to discussion at
multi-agency forum
Pupil Support/Guidance/Key worker or lead professional (where one exists) updated
Monitoring and review arrangement put in place to ensure continued support


Email: Douglas Forrester

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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