Physical intervention in schools - a relationships and rights based approach: guidance

Guidance on 'Included, engaged and involved part 3: A relationships and rights-based approach to physical intervention in schools'. This guidance is for education authorities grant-aided and independent schools in Scotland on the use of physical intervention.


107. As part of their scrutiny and improvement roles in schools, HM inspectors consider the impact of practice in relation to the use of physical intervention, restraint and seclusion for children and young people.

108. In line with the “How Good Is Our School?” self-evaluation framework, inspectors will request pre-inspection information from the school. For all school inspections, this includes information on the use of physical intervention, restraint and seclusion. Pre-inspection questionnaires are also issued, which include questions about children and young people’s wellbeing, safety and the extent to which they feel respected and supported. During the inspection, inspectors gather and triangulate other evidence relevant to the context of the school. For example, looking at records of restraint and seclusion, talking to staff about the impact of professional learning and discussing with children and young people how well they are supported in school. Inspectors may comment on the use of physical intervention, restraint and seclusion under Quality Indicator 2.1 (safeguarding and child protection). They may also report on any outcomes for children and young people including the application of guidance under Quality Indicator 3.1 (ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion).

109. In line with child protection guidance, should the use of restraint and seclusion raise concerns about the safety and wellbeing of one or more child or young person, inspectors would follow local child protection procedures and consider onward referrals to social work or the police.

School Care Accommodation Services

110. The Care Inspectorate regulates and inspects school accommodation services and, where appropriate, carries out joint inspections with HM Inspectorate of Education. As part of their work, the Care Inspectorate consider and take action, where necessary, in response to the use of restraint and seclusion in school accommodation services.



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