
Transparency in supply chains - inclusion of Scottish public bodies: consultation analysis

Analysis of consultation responses on the proposals to extend reporting requirements to include Scottish public bodies for the publication of modern slavery statements as part of work to improve transparency in supply chains.

1. Inclusion of Scottish public bodies in Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) - Consultation Analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to our consultation on the proposals to extend reporting requirements to include Scottish public bodies for the publication of modern slavery statements as part of work to improve Transparency in Supply Chains.

A compressed 8 week consultation period was held to allow responses to be received, analysed and provided to the Home Office ahead of the proposed publication of the UK Modern Slavery Bill in October 2022.

The consultation paper can be accessed here: Inclusion of Scottish public bodies in Transparency in Supply Chains (TISC) reporting - Scottish Government - Citizen Space (

The Scottish Government would like to thank all those who responded.



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