
Higher Education student support package increase: equality impact assessment

The equality impact assessment (EQIA) considered the impact of the increase to the Higher Education package of support from £8,100 to £9,000. It identified that in general the increase is seen as a positive change as it encourages students in Scotland to enter and remain in higher education.


The Programme for Government committed to improving the package of support for full-time undergraduate students to the equivalent of the Living Wage.

The first step to achieving this commitment was a £350 loan increase to the Higher Education package from Academic Year (AY) 2022/23. This step allowed students from the lowest household income bracket and eligible estranged students to receive support equivalent to £8,100. This uplift did not apply to Care Experienced students, who already received full bursary support equivalent to £8,100 at this point.

The second step will apply a £900 increase to the Higher Education package from AY 2023/24. This step will ensure students from the lowest household income bracket, estranged students and Care Experienced students will receive support equivalent to £9,000. The £900 will be applied as a loan uplift, with the exception of Care Experienced students, who will receive a £900 bursary uplift. This is due to the Care Experienced package of support being a non-repayable bursary, with no loan element.



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