
Medical students at Scottish universities: EQIA

Equalities impact assessment (EIA) relating to plans to increase the number of Scots dom/EU medical students by 100 and decrease the number from the rest UK by the same, to retain an estimated 36 extra doctors per year within specialty training.

14. Fostering Good Relations

Under section 149 of the Equality Act the Scottish Ministers must, in exercising their functions, have due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not.

As previously mentioned, consultation with medical schools and the Scottish Funding Council has been undertaken in the development of the proposed policy. The proposed policy has been received cautiously and some opposition has also been encountered. Where this has been the case, steps have been taken to engage with representatives, listen to their views and fully explain the reasons for the proposed policy. Other UK Nations are aware that we are exploring ways in which to increase the number of Scots doms.



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