Increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers: action guide for local authorities

An guide for local authorities, and other employers of teachers, outlining actions that can be taken to embed antiracism within their recruitment, retention and progression policies.

8. References and helpful documents

Children, Education and Justice Services, The City of Edinburgh Council, Promoting Equality Report, (January 2024)

Education Scotland (2022) Building Racial Literacy, learn/programmes/building-racial-literacy/

Kholi, R. (2019) Lessons for teacher education: The role of critical professional development in teacher of color retention, Journal of Teacher Education, 70:1, 39-50

National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), (January 2024), Ethnic diversity in the teaching workforce: evidence review

Dr Susan Davis, Chantelle Haughton, Sammy Chapman, Dr Rom Okeke, Martin Smith, Dr Aylwin Yafele, Kin Yu. (June 2021), The Recruitment and Retention of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Teachers in Wales – a Qualitative Research Study

Scottish Council of Deans of Education (2023), The National Anti-Racism Framework for Initial Teacher Education (ITE)

Scottish Government (2020), Minority Ethnic Recruitment Toolkit Mill

Scottish Government (2021), Scottish Government Race Recruitment and Retention Plan: An Instigation for change

Scottish Government (2018), Teaching in a diverse Scotland: increasing and retaining minority ethnic teachers,

Scottish Government (March 2021), Teaching in a Diverse Scotland: Increasing and Retaining Minority Ethnic Teachers – 3 years on, Progress and Final Report

Scottish Government (April 2023), Diversity in the Teaching Profession Annual Data Report

Tereshchenk, A., Mills, M., and Bradbury, A.(2020). Making Progress? Employment and retention of BAME teachers in England. London: UCL Institute of Education

The General Teaching Council for Scotland (2021) Professional Standards for Teachers. Professional Standards for Teachers - The General Teaching Council for Scotland (

UNESCO (2024), United Nations Secretary General’s High Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, Recommendations and summary of deliberations. (page 34, Chapter VI Sustainability)



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