Tayside Breast Cancer Independent Advisory Group: final report

The report on how best to implement changes to breast cancer management in NHS Tayside.


10. Members of the Group were appointed in late April and were expected to attend each meeting.

11. The Group met 9 times from 26 April, including a meeting with the individual who first raised concerns. Additionally, three separate stand-alone meetings were held between the Chair and Group members with patients, their family members and NHS Tayside consultant oncologists.

12. While it was not possible to meet with all patients or family members involved within the time limits of the Group's work and taking into account the constraints of GDPR (the EU General Data Protection Regulation), all written submissions made were accepted and read by all Group members.

13. Other expertise was sought when required, for example advice was taken from a colleague specialising in NHS Organisational Development and from the two other cancer networks across Scotland (SCAN and WoSCAN).

14. At the first meeting it was agreed that transparency was key and that all tabled Group papers would be published. These can be found online alongside this report. In order to aid transparency for the lay reader a glossary of terms is at Annex D.

15. This report has been submitted to the CMO for consideration.


Email: marianne.barker@gov.scot

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