Independent Assurance: Programme: Cladding Remediation Project Assessment Review (PAR)
Independent Assurance Review carried out for the Cladding Remediation Programme - 14 to 16 June 2023.
Annex C: Progress against previous assurance review
1) The SRO makes representations to SG executive that a portfolio approach is required.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Leadership
Progress: Stephen Garvin (SRO) discussed with Sean Neil (AO)
2) A brief delivery options paper should be created from the emerging MACE report for consideration by the Programme Board to encourage constructive challenge and feedback.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Justification/BC
- Discussed at Programme Board – Draft OBC, based upon delivery options suggested via MACE draft report – PB meeting date 01 November 2022.
- Deep-dive/challenge meeting with senior SG Officials – August 22
- Draft Outline Business Case to Executive Team in Investment Mode 15 November 2022
3) A short-term plan should be produced that sets out the immediate priorities and tasks up to approval of the Full Business Case (FBC) and lays the groundwork for a long-term programme plan.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
- Programme build plan developed
- Work commenced – OBC by Summer 2023 and FBC by January 2024
4) Work should commence on producing a full programme plan that sets out the key milestones up to programme completion, with dependencies, deliverables and resource requirements at appropriate levels of detail as the timespan moves out.
Status: Ongoing
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
- Draft programme plan created and under active development
- Programme, Planning and Performance Manager working to operationalise these plans
- Workshops held to determine project scope, roles and responsibilities, map programme milestones and inform critical path
- Programme roadmap developed and reviewed by Programme Board in April 2023
5) A fully developed workforce and resource plan will be required detailing who, what, when and where to confirm core team requirements, including specialist commercial and procurement support. Resource planning will also need to factor in external dependencies for qualified surveyors and capacity of partners such as the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and others to support the programme.
Status: Ongoing
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
Progress: Successful approval for recruitment and increase in headcount (from 16 to 30.6 FTE posts)
6) Treat developing the Accord as a priority and properly plan it and resource it.
Status: Ongoing
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Transition
- Extensive internal and external stakeholders’ engagement on the Accord (including with Homes for Scotland)
- Extensive mapping of Accord timeline
- Multiple workshops to inform the body of the Accord agreement
- Extensive legal negotiations and negotiations between developers and SG to determine responsibilities relating to remediation
- Creation of a framework to assess developer finance and profile to determine their role in remediation/stage at which they sign the Accord – Contingent Liability (removed from Accord December 2022)
- Financial support measures will be considered as part of wave 2 and 3 of the Accord
- Conclusion expected w/c 30/05/2023
- Legislative options and sanctions being considered – Bill Team created to actively investigate legislative options
- Active investigation of Scottish version of the Responsible Actors Scheme begun
- Recovery Unit
7) Consideration should be given to separating the delivery team and its management from the BAU assurance team as part of full programme mobilisation on approval of the FBC.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Roles and Responsibilities
- Organisational structure and alignment of skills has evolved with increasing headcount to 30.6 FTE.
- Cladding will be a new division from 01/04/2023
8) Make the SRO role a full time dedicated senior manager with experience of programme delivery.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Leadership
Progress: Rachel Sunderland, new Deputy Director and FTE SRO for Programme started in-post 14 November 2022
9) Define outcomes and measures of success for the Programme.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
- Draft programme plan with project milestones is in development
- Several Cladding Remediation Team programme workshops have been conducted to determine scope, programme milestones and look at outcomes
10) The SRO should determine the means required to support the Minister in discussion with the UK Government on the Professional Indemnity Insurance Issues.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Leadership
Progress: Complete
11) The Head of Cladding and Remediation Unit undertakes an exercise to baseline the programme and associated projects at the activity – based level required to support PPM and agrees this with the Programme Board.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
Progress: Complete
12) The Head of Cladding and Remediation Unit should develop a Project Initiation Document for enabling buying selling and re-mortgaging. The objectives and deliverables should be confirmed to align with and underpin the programme level aims on the safety of people.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
Progress: Strategic outline business case developed (November 2022)
13) The Head of Cladding and Remediation Unit should develop and implement a pipeline management process to support the “Green-Lighting” of properties and buildings.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
14) The RAID log is developed and populated in a series of workshops with stakeholders.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
Progress: RAID log updated regularly – live document
15) Assumptions are documented and agreed and contingency plans agreed.
Status: Complete
Aligned with SG PPM Principle: Planning
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