
Independent Assurance: Programme: Cladding Remediation Project Assessment Review (PAR)

Independent Assurance Review carried out for the Cladding Remediation Programme - 14 to 16 June 2023.

2. Summary of concerns, evidence and recommendations

Refer to Annex E for a breakdown of the recommendation classifications.

1) Review the pilot scope with a view to reducing the number and redefining the criteria for inclusion.

Scope will grow and risk programme failure

Status: C.

Classification: Risk

Aligned with profession: Project Delivery

2) Maintain strong and active management to prevent scope creep.

Risk of failure and loss of achievable objectives.

Status: C.

Classification: Leadership

Aligned with profession: Risk

3) Set-up a series of workshops to develop and consolidate an approach, procedures and practices for dealing with Critical Incidents.

Potential for incidents to be less well managed.

Status: R.

Classification: Stakeholders

Aligned with profession: Project Delivery

4) Ensure a dedicated and properly resourced communications team is created to ensure effective stakeholder communication is strengthened during the next phases of the programme.

Adverse publicity and reputational risk

Status: E.

Classification: Stakeholders

Aligned with profession: Communications

5) Seek agreement to a running cost budget for the current year sufficient to meet approved staffing levels.

Programme fails to meet milestones and deliverables owing to funding delays.

Status: C.

Classification: Risk

Aligned with profession: Project Delivery

6) Ensure that plans are put in place to create a programme procurement strategy that sets out what will be needed, by when and by what means the various services and materials will be sourced.

Procurements are delayed and/or incorrect products and services are bought.

Status: E.

Classification: Planning

Aligned with profession: Project Delivery

7) Set-up swim lane teams as formal projects, each with its own Project Initiation Document (PID).

Programme not managed as well as it could be.

Status: E

Classification Project Delivery

*Risk denotes risks, issues, concerns and key dependencies

All recommendations should be categorised as Critical, Essential or Recommended:

  • Critical (Do Now): To increase the likelihood of a successful outcome it is of the greatest importance that the programme/project should take action immediately.
  • Essential (Do By): To increase the likelihood of a successful outcome the programme/project should take action in the near future. [Note to review teams – whenever possible Essential risk based recommendations should be linked to programme/project milestones e.g. before contract signature and/or a specified timeframe e.g. within the next three months.]
  • Recommended: The programme/project should benefit from the uptake of this recommendation. [Note to review teams – if possible Recommended risk based recommendations should be linked to programme/project milestones e.g. before contract signature and/or a specified timeframe e.g. within the next three months.]

Action Plan - You must within three weeks of the final report provide your intended actions for addressing each recommendation. You should then share it with the relevant Scottish Government Portfolio Accountable Officer and copy it to the SG`s Portfolio, Programme and Project Assurance Hub (PPPA). Thereafter, you are responsible for implementing the actions in response to the recommendations. If the review has identified serious deficiencies or difficulties (including probable failure to meet the planned budget) within the programme the appropriate Officer should inform the relevant Minister/s.



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