Scottish climate action hubs: independent evaluation

A report of an independent evaluation of the climate action hubs in the Northeast of Scotland and the Highlands, Orkney and Shetland carried out by CAG Consultants.

Annex 4: Example online survey form

Highlands and Islands Climate Hub Evaluation Form

The Highland and Islands (H&I) Climate Hub is currently undergoing an independent evaluation. The Scottish Government has commissioned CAG consultants to assist with this research. The results from this questionnaire will be used to understand the impact of H&I on the broader community. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. This survey will close on the 31st of January 2024

Section 1 - Data Processing

Please review our data processing notice here:

1. I have read the Data Process Notice and give consent.

  • Yes
  • No

2. How would you best describe your relationship with H&I.

  • H&I Member
  • Delivery Partner
  • Community Member
  • Local Authority

3. What organisation/s do you represent?

Type in your organisation name or "Individual" if this is in your personal capacity

Section 2 - Value Add

We would like to better understand in what way the hub is adding value to the community

4. In what way has the hub built your or your community’s awareness of the climate emergency?

In what ways has the hub’s activities changed your or your community’s understanding of CC?

5. In what way is the hub helping to build relationships between you and other stakeholders?

Have the hub's activities led to new partnerships or strengthened existing ones within your organization?

6. Are there other ways in which the hub is adding value to the community?

Section 3 - Shift to low-carbon and resilient communities

We would like to understand in what way the H&I hub is contributing to a shift to low-carbon and resilient communities

7. In what way is the hub stimulating climate action in your community?

Has there been an increase in community-led climate action initiatives since the establishment of the hub?

8. In what way is the hub supporting your community to be more climate resilient?

Do you feel that the community is more resilient and better prepared for climate change because of the hub’s efforts?

Section 4 - Use of Resources

For the next session we would like to explore the resources used by H&I

9. Were there activities by the hub that provided particularly high value?

For example, what activities implemented by H&I would you suggest other hub focus on.

10. What could have been done differently (in hindsight) by the hub?

For example, what activities implemented by H&I would you suggest other hub avoid

Section 5 - Sustainability

For the final session, we would like to understand the potential for the outcomes from H&I being sustained

11. Can existing initiatives supported by the hub be scaled up or replicated in other communities?

12. Have activities by the hub resulted in an impact on local and national policy?

13. Has additional funding been unlocked with support from the hub?

Section 6 - Closing

14. Is there anything else you think the Scottish Government should be aware of regarding the hub?

15. Are you happy for us to follow up with you if we have any additional questions?

  • Yes
  • No

16. Your email address

We will store and use your email address in line with our privacy statement above



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