
Independent Forensic Mental Health Review: final report

This final report sets out the Review's recommendations for change. A summary and easy read version are also available.

Annex B: Working group members

Hospital Working Group Members

1 Allied Health Professionals Forensic Leads Group - Cheryl McMorris

2 British Psychological Society - Jillian McGinty

3 Carers Trust - Karen Martin

4 Forensic Network - Lindsay Thomson

5 Healthcare Improvement Scotland - Belinda Robertson

6 Integrated Joint Boards - Claire Smith

7 Mental Welfare Commission - Paul Noyes

8 NHS Chief Executives - Alex McMahon

9 NHS Forensic Services - General and Service Managers - James Meade

10 NHS National Services Scotland - Louise Wilson

11 Mental Health Tribunal Service for Scotland - Pradeep Pasupuleti

12 Royal College of Psychiatrists - Stuart Doig, Jana de Villiers

13 Scottish Government - Ian Dewar

14 Scottish Human Rights Commission - Sarah Booth (Cathy Asante until July 2020)

15 Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Ben Baldock (Ann Morton until November 2019)

16 Scottish Learning Disabilities Nurse Leads - Helen Eunson

17 Scotland's Executive Nurse Directors - Mark Richards

18 Scottish Group of Forensic Clinical Psychologists - Heather Laithwaite

19 Social Work Scotland - Drew Lyall

20 State Hospital Board for Scotland/ NHS Chief Executives. - Gary Jenkins

21 UNISON - Tom Hair

22 VOX (Scotland) - Wendy McAuslan

National Autistic Society of Scotland - Nick Ward until December 2019

Prison Officers Association - Andy Hogg until March 2020

Criminal Justice Working Group Members 

1 Allied Health Professionals Forensic Leads Group - Christine Breslin

2 British Psychological Society - Claire Ogilvie

3 Care Inspectorate - Jane Kelly (Ray Jones until July 2020)

4 Community Justice Scotland - Keith Gardner

5 Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service - Anthony McGeehan

6 Forensic Network - Lindsay Thomson

7 Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland - Wendy Gieben-Sinclair

8 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland - Gill Imery

9 Integrated Joint Boards/Social Work Scotland - Diane Dobbie

10 Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland - Laura Paton (Karen Nicol until August 2020)

11 Mental Health Nursing Leads - David Thomson

12 National Prisoner Care Network - Linda Stark

13 NHS Forensic Services - General and Service Managers - Iain MacKenzie

14 Parole Board for Scotland - Karen Richard

15 Police Scotland - Jim Evans (Barry Blair until October 2020)

16 Prison Officers Association - Karen Ewen (Mick Gratton until March 2020)

17 Risk Management Authority - Elaine Ferguson (Geoff Taylor until September 2020)

18 Royal College of Nursing - Eileen McKenna

19 Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland - Johanna Brown

20 SACRO - John Kennedy

21 Scottish Appropriate Adult Network - David Calderwood

22 Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service - Elaine Walker

23 Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance - Clare Gallagher

24 Scottish Prison Service - Lesley McDowall, Emma Christie

Community Working Group Members 

1 Allied Health Professionals Directors Scotland Group - Catherine Totten

2 Association of Clinical Psychologists - UK - Judi Bolton

3 Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland - Stephen McLellan

4 COSLA - Nicola Dickie (John Wood until February 2020)

5 Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum/ Turning Point Scotland - David Whitters

6 Forensic Network - Helen Walker

7 Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland - Lucy Mulvagh

8 MAPPA Co-ordinators Group - Bob Thomson

9 NHS Forensic Services - General and Service Managers - Shona Hendry

10 Police Scotland - Tim Ross

11 Royal College of Nursing - Stuart McKenzie

12 Royal College of Psychiatrists - Stuart Doig, Jana De Villiers

13 Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance - Shaben Begum

14 Serious Offenders Liaison Service - Elizabeth Flynn

15 Social Work Scotland - Elaine Davison

16 SOLD Network - Tony Bowman

17 Support in Mind Scotland - Frances Simpson

18 VOX (Scotland) - Mahmud Al-Gailani




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