
Independent Living Fund Consultation responses

Responses from the Independent Living Fund Consultation process in August 2013.



079 - Aberdeenshire Council

077 - AiLN support consultation

055 - Angus Council

059 - Argyll and Bute Council

088 - Association of Directors of Social Work

040 - Ayrshire Independent Living Network

065 - Borders Voluntary Care Voice

066 - Carers Scotland

061 - Centre For Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross

051 - Children in Scotland

090 - City of Edinburgh Council

046 - COSLA

074 - Down Syndrome Scotland

111 - Dundee Carers Centre

039 - East Ayrshire Council

028 - East Dunbartonshire Council

072 - East Dunbartonshire Direct Payment Support Service

047 - East Renfrewshire Community Health & Care Partnership

021 - East Renfrewshire ILF group

053 - ENABLE Scotland

067 - Epilepsy Scotland

070 - Falkirk Council

041 - Fife Council

080 - Glasgow Centre for Inclusive Living

033 - Glasgow City Council

086 - Glasgow Disability Alliance

045 - HIV Scotland

058 - Inclusion Scotland

083 - Independent Living In Scotland

032 - Inverclyde CHCP

025 - Learning Disability Alliance Scotland

075 - Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living

076 - Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living & Inclusion Scotland

034 - Midlothian Council

048 - Moray Council

093 - North Lanarkshire Carers Together

049 - North Lanarkshire Council

031 - Orkney Health and Care

062 - PAMIS

060 - Real Life Options

069 - Renfrewshire Carers Centre

020 - Renfrewshire Council

042 - Scottish Borders Council

068 - Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability

071 - Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance

015 - SDS Forum East Renfrewshire

050 - Self Directed Support Scotland

056 - Sense Scotland

081 - South Angus Parents of Adults with Learning Disabilities (SAPALD)

024 - South Lanarkshire Council

084 - Thalidomide Trust National Advisory Council

054 - The Alliance

073 - The Neurological Alliance of Scotland

016 - The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

063 - West Dunbartonshire Council

078 - West Lothian Council


082 - Agnes Wood

004 - Archie Ramsay

101 - Catherine MacGilchrist

106 - Euphemia McFadzean

023 - Georgina Buchanan

022 - Hugh Buchanan

096 - Kelly Stewart

007 - Mar Dempsey

094 - Marie McDougall

029 - Moira Samuel

091 - Patricia Davidson

030 - Peter Burke

014 - Rochelle Manson

037 - Shahnaz Bashir

010 - Sheila Scott

018 - Susan Youngs


001 - Respondent

002 - Respondent

003 - Respondent

005 - Respondent

008 - Respondent

009 - Respondent

017 - Respondent

019 - Respondent

026 - Respondent

035 - Respondent

036 - Respondent

038 - Respondent

043 - Respondent

044 - Respondent

052 - Respondent

057 - Respondent

085 - Respondent

089 - Respondent

092 - Respondent

095 - Respondent

097 - Respondent

098 - Respondent

100 - Respondent

102 - Respondent

107 - Respondent

108 - Respondent

109 - Respondent

110 - Respondent


Email: ILF Scotland Policy Team

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