
Independent Living Fund: consultation responses

Responses regarding the future use of resources devolved following the UK Government’s decision to close the Independent Living Fund (ILF).

The consultation process

6. The consultation ran from 12 August 2013 until 1 November 2013. The full text of the original consultation paper can be viewed and downloaded from:

7. The consultation responses (including all organisational responses and all individual responses where there is permission to publish) can be viewed and downloaded from:

8. Following the closing date, all consultation responses were considered and informed the Scottish Government's response to the consultation. The news release announcing the Scottish Ministers response to the consultation can be viewed at:

9. Details of number of responses and each sector that responded are set out in this report.

10. The consultation findings are reported under the consultation questions asked in the consultation paper. The questions are as follows:

Question 1 - What aspects of the current ILF worked well and what elements did not work so well?

Question 2 - Should the money that becomes available after existing ILF recipients no longer need it be used in the same way for others in the future? If so, why? If not, how else might the money be used?

Question 3 - If the available resource is simply that which is transferred from the Treasury, how would you like to see it used if it was not to be a continuation of the existing approach?

Question 4 - What innovative ways might there be for increasing the overall amount of money in the pot?

Question 5 - With any available resource, where is the most effective area to target resources which can have the biggest impact on an individual's ability to live more independently?

Question 6 - With funding devolved to the Scottish Government, which option do you think will be most appropriate for Scotland?

Question 7 - To assist with our partial Equality Impact Assessment in relation to the future development of a sustainable Fund to support disabled people in Scotland to live independently, please describe any equality issues (in relation to age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, race, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnership) that you feel may arise and suggest ways in which these could be addressed?


Email: Caroline Martin,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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