
Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside's Mental Health Services: letter discussing themed work plans

Letter from the Chair of the Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside’s Mental Health Services to Tayside Executive Partners, discussing themed work plans.


  • Grant Archibald, Chief Executive, NHS Tayside
  • Greg Colgan, Chief Executive, Dundee City Council
  • Phil Davison, Divisional Commander, Tayside Police Scotland
  • Thomas Glen, Chief Executive, Perth and Kinross Council
  • Margo Williamson, Chief Executive, Angus Council

17 March 2022

Dear Colleagues

Themed Work Plans

When we last met on 28 February, the Oversight Group outlined the next phase of its work programme, which will include a more detailed focus on four key themes and the Trust and Respect recommendations to which they relate. Those themes are:

  • integration
  • patient safety
  • workforce
  • engagement and culture

Please now find attached with this letter, a copy of our work plan for each of the four themes.  We are sharing these with you a little later than we had intended, however, we wanted these to be as comprehensive as possible.  You will note that we have set out very clearly what the Oversight Group needs to know and understand; what we need to see and what our proposed next steps are, including identifying further colleagues we would wish to meet.

As you will recall, we have already provided a consolidated question set and the responses received by you, so far.  However, a number of responses remain outstanding and we have captured these in the themed work plans.  In addition, some of the responses we have received, have given rise to further information requests and again, these are included in the themed work plans.  There are, of course, a number of other recommendations which we will seek to progress in parallel, in respect of children and young people; performance and governance.

It would be helpful if you, as Tayside Executive Partners, could consider what arrangements you wish to put in place to manage the response and advise us accordingly.

The Oversight Group are mindful of timescales, given we are now at mid-March, and as such, we are keen to make strong and steady progress.  With that in mind, I have written to you separately to advise that our next meeting on 28 March, will focus on integration.  We will then turn our focus, in the first instance, to patient safety and it is our intention to spend time in Tayside on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 March to hold discussions with colleagues in this respect.  We will revert to you under separate cover, regarding next steps on the other plans.

Given these forthcoming meetings, there is a more urgent need for some of the information requested in the patient safety themed work plan.  The Oversight Group require a response from you, on those areas highlighted with an asterisk (**) in the plan, by next Thursday, 24 March.  For all other information, the deadline is Friday 1 April.  Please send any submissions to the Secretariat in the first instance.

With my thanks and best wishes.

Fiona Lees

Chair, Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside’s Mental Health Services



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