
Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside's Mental Health Services: workplans

Themed work plans for the Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside's Mental Health Services.

Theme: Engagement and Culture

Timescales: June to early-July 2022

Recommendations: 1, 3, 4, 21, 24, 25, 26, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51

What we need to know and understand

Recommendation 3 - discussion required as the Oversight Group consider that the proposed actions may not deliver the outcome desired. The approach feels very transactional: relationships need to be transformed and rebuilt and there is still a fundamental mismatch between partners’ understanding and what the Oversight Group are hearing.

Recommendation 4 - discussion required as colleagues have not yet set an outcome and there does not appear to be an overall plan. There are aims in various strategies but the Oversight Group consider that this does not provide an overarching coherent approach.

Recommendation 26 - in respect of advocacy services, how have colleagues taken assurance? What is the work referred to in previous submissions, telling colleagues about projected demand and unmet need? What is patient and carer feedback saying. 

Recommendation 42 - need to know the extent to which staff engagement has been embedded within organisational culture and if it is not yet, what plans do colleagues have to do this? What more do they have to do?

Recommendation 43 - previous submissions from partners suggest that the Workforce Development Programme (to raise awareness and enhance understanding of policies and procedures that staff can use to enable them to raise concern in both formal and informal ways) only ran for a fixed period - the Oversight Group wish to clarify this and understand what the established practice is going to be.

Recommendation 44 - on exit interviews, the Oversight Group need to understand (from data collection) where staff are exiting to (either within or out with the health service) and if it’s out with, what are the reasons for leaving (recognising that the take up of exit interviews may be low).

Recommendation 48 - Oversight Group need to understand what arrangement colleagues have in place to take assurance in respect of their being a zero tolerance approach to bullying and harassment? How do colleagues evidence their zero tolerance approach? From investigation of any complaints, what is this telling you and where is it reported?

Recommendation 49 - with regards to staff absences, where is this reported to and what do those reports tell colleagues? Do arrangements fully comply with health and safety at work management regulations?

Recommendation 50 - discussion needed as the Oversight Group are unsure of the direction taken here. Also, the incorporation of work with the local press has been added to the actions taken in response to this recommendation. Simplification is needed.

What we need to see

Recommendation 1 - TEP submission (2 February 2022), referenced a plan and an assessment that had been undertaken. The Oversight Group would like to see both please. The plan that colleagues have advised is in place, is to strengthen the core cultural values including associated actions, timescales and intended outcomes.

Recommendation 1 - need to see the evidence base in respect of cultural change. The Oversight Group accept that this is long term, however, what proxy indicators are colleagues using to give confidence?

Recommendation 24 - can the Oversight Group please see the evidence in respect of how families are currently involved in care planning and clarity on what is meant by ‘where appropriate’.

Recommendation 24 - the Oversight Group would like see the ‘Triangle of Care’ framework in Angus that was referenced in the TEP submission of 24 January 2022.

Recommendation 25 - need to see the New Patient Information Leaflets for adult mental health inpatient wards.

Recommendation 47 - need to see the Communication and Engagement Plan for 2022 that was referenced in the TEP submission of 24 January 2022.

Next steps

Meet with those colleagues who have been assigned lead responsibility for the recommendations (May/June).

Meet with relevant stakeholders and the partner organisations referred to, in responses from TEP (May/June).

Observe meetings convened in support of these work streams - as appropriate (May/June).



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