
Independent panel on career pathways for teachers: final report

Description of work undertaken by the group and its recommendations for the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT).

Annex A: Panel Remit

The SNCT agreed that an independent panel should be established to consider the design and development of teacher career pathway models.

This was reflected in the Education Governance: Next Steps paper.

We established the Independent Panel on Career Pathways on the SNCT's behalf in June 2018.

The Panel will engage broadly with the teaching profession in Scotland in order to develop a range of models of career pathways to enable the development of different and exciting careers in teaching. New pathways should provide opportunities for teachers to diversify their careers, and act to support high quality teaching and learning, whilst helping to deliver excellent educational outcomes for pupils.

The Panel will

  • Consider different options for career pathways, including from international evidence and previous Scottish policy interventions. New pathways should include subject specialism, curricular leadership, pedagogical leadership, support for learning
  • Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and engage with the teaching profession and wider education sector through a variety of mechanisms, such as focus groups
  • Explore the link between career pathways and qualifications (e.g. masters level learning or new forms of initial teacher education)
  • Make recommendations as to how teachers undertaking these new roles might be remunerated. The Panel has been tasked to identify exciting, flexible pathways and opportunities for teachers, including Headteachers

Recommendations will be drafted and presented in a report to the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers by the end of the year.


  • Independent Chair: Moyra Boland
  • ADES: John Fyffe
  • SOLACE: Angela Wilson (West Dunbartonshire Council)
  • SPDS: Kristine Johnson (Stirling Council)
  • COSLA: Kathy Cameron
  • Education Scotland: Gillian Hamilton, Alison Weatherston
  • General Teaching Council for Scotland: Ken Muir
  • Scottish Government: David Leng, David Roy, Stuart Robb
  • Scottish Government secretariat/support: Angela Felvus, Nicola Annan

Teacher organisations

  • EIS: Andrea Bradley, Jayne Rowe, Louise Wilson
  • VOICE: Dougie Atkinson
  • SSTA: Fiona Dalziel
  • NASUWT: Jane Peckham
  • SLS Scotland: Jim Thewliss
  • AHDS: Tim Wallace
  • Universities/Scottish Council of Deans of Education: Neil Taylor



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