Moray coast branch surgeries closure: independent report

Following the closure of the Hopeman and Burghead branch surgeries and in light of concerns raised by members of the impacted communities, we sought an independent view.


It is recommended that the regulations on branch surgery closures are reviewed to provide a) clearer guidance on the governance processes to be followed relating to branch closures, particularly as regards the roles of the practice, Board and IJB and b) to reflect the current context whereby sustainability concerns may be a legitimate and primary driver for surgery rationalisation. It is recommended that the engagement and consultation process used by MIJB be used as a basis for this guidance. Where sustainability concerns are a driver, processes must acknowledge that the loss of local branch surgeries are of detriment to local communities, including in ways that cannot be easily measured such as individual patient outcomes or cost transfer to patients (note this does not also mean that there are not detrimental impacts of no change, such as opportunity cost through continuing to sustain branch surgeries).

It is recommended that MIJB continue engage with community members on innovative proposals for the use of the Burghead building, including exploration of the Community Empowerment Act and work with the Glasgow School of Art. As one community member expressed, we cannot accept the decline of rural services, but must seize opportunities for innovation where they present. It seems apparent that there is real potential for just that in this instance.

It may be useful for SG to consider whether a duty may be placed on Boards/IJBs (or best practice guidance developed) to explore community-led models where delivery plans or estates strategies result in withdrawal of service from owned or leased buildings.



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