Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: call for evidence - easy read

The Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment is seeking evidence from a variety of audiences about the first year of delivery. This will be used to help inform recommendations to ensure that Adult Disability Payment meets the needs of disabled people.

What is in the call for evidence?

Section 1: Finding out about Adult Disability Payment

We want to know how well the Scottish Government is doing at making people aware of Adult Disability Payment.

We also want to know how the Scottish Government could help more people to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

Section 2: Help to apply for Adult Disability Payment

We want to know if the help the Scottish Government gives people applying for Adult Disability Payment is working.

Section 3: Waiting to hear if someone can get Adult Disability Payment

Social Security Scotland decides if someone can get Adult Disability Payment.

It can take time to do this.

We want to know if how long people wait for a decision affects some people more than others.

Section 4: Telling someone if they can get Adult Disability Payment

We want to know more about people’s experience of being told if they can get Adult Disability Payment.

We want to know more about why people might disagree about why they can’t get Adult Disability Payment.

Section 5: If something changes when someone gets Adult Disability Payment

We would like to know about people’s experience of telling Social Security Scotland about changes.

This could include a change in someone’s health condition or disability.

Section 6: Reviewing someone’s Adult Disability Payment

Social Security Scotland looks again at whether someone can still get Adult Disability Payment from time to time.

This is called a review.

A review makes sure people get the right amount of Adult Disability Payment.

We want to know more about people’s experiences of having a review of their Adult Disability Payment.

Section 7: Anything else?

We would also like to see any other evidence people have about Adult Disability Payment.



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