Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: call for evidence

The Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment is seeking evidence from a variety of audiences about the first year of delivery. This will be used to help inform recommendations to ensure that Adult Disability Payment meets the needs of disabled people.

Section 1 – Factors affecting take-up of Adult Disability Payment

Take-up is a measure of how many people who are eligible for a benefit actually get the benefit.

There is a lack of evidence on disability benefits take-up rates within Scotland

Estimating take-up rates of Adult Disability Payment is challenging. Whilst some national statistics and surveys ask whether a person has a long-term health condition or disability, that does not necessarily mean that person would or would not be entitled to Adult Disability Payment.

Current strategies for improving take-up across all Scottish Government benefits focus on raising awareness of benefits and supporting people to access them.

There is currently no benefit-specific take-up strategy for Adult Disability Payment, but this is something that the Scottish Government may consider in the future. The Scottish Government plans to increase engagement with seldom-heard communities in future strategies. Existing strategies for improving take-up across all Scottish Government benefits include:

  • a range of marketing and engagement activities to increase awareness and support people to apply
  • the use of research to identify who the Scottish Government wants to reach and ensure that it uses the right methods to reach those people
  • continued funding of the Independent Advocacy Service
  • use of Social Security Scotland’s Local Delivery service
  • the opening of Social Security Scotland’s Dundee office to the public.

Estimating take-up rates for PIP

For context, the UK Government does not publish take-up rates for the disability benefits it delivers. The UK Government also does not have a take-up strategy for the disability benefits it delivers.

The following questions ask about factors affecting take-up and peoples’ decision to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

Question 1

The Social Security Scotland Charter specifically states that the Scottish Government will ensure as many people as possible get the benefits they are entitled to. This includes making a particular effort to reach people who are most likely to be excluded. Thinking about take-up of Adult Disability Payment for seldom-heard groups, what evidence exists about:

(a) Levels of awareness and barriers to awareness of Adult Disability Payment amongst seldom-heard groups?

(b) The particular barriers to application facing people in specific seldom-heard groups?

The term 'seldom-heard groups' refers to under-represented people who face barriers in engaging with others. Examples of people who may be considered as having seldom-heard voices include:

  • people experiencing homelessness
  • people whose first language is not English
  • people experiencing domestic violence
  • people living in rural or island communities
  • people with learning difficulties
  • carers
  • lone parents
  • refugees and asylum seekers
  • LGBTI people
  • ethnic minority groups.

Question 2

In relation to Adult Disability Payment, can you provide evidence about any initiatives or activities that have measurably increased:

(a) awareness

(b) take-up?

You may wish to consider both in the context of seldom-heard groups or more widely.

Question 3

Can you provide specific examples of the factors that affect whether someone chooses to apply for Adult Disability Payment or chooses not to apply?



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