Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: call for evidence

The Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment is seeking evidence from a variety of audiences about the first year of delivery. This will be used to help inform recommendations to ensure that Adult Disability Payment meets the needs of disabled people.

Section 5 – Informing Social Security Scotland about a change of circumstances

People (or someone who acts on their behalf, called representatives) must inform Social Security Scotland if something changes, such as:

  • their banking or contact details
  • their condition
  • the level of help and care needs
  • the support they need with their mobility.

People (or their representatives) must tell Social Security Scotland about changes within four weeks.

People can do this by either calling Social Security Scotland or by completing an online form.

How reporting a change of circumstances works with PIP

For context, for people in Scotland and elsewhere in the UK still receiving PIP, a change of circumstances must be reported over the telephone[7].

The following question asks about the experiences people may have had when notifying Social Security Scotland about a change of circumstance in relation to Adult Disability Payment.

Question 12

What evidence exists about people’s experiences of notifying Social Security Scotland about a change of circumstances? Can you provide specific examples of:

(a) What worked well (if anything)?

(b) What could be improved (if anything)?



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