
Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: call for evidence

The Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment is seeking evidence from a variety of audiences about the first year of delivery. This will be used to help inform recommendations to ensure that Adult Disability Payment meets the needs of disabled people.

Section 6 – Review periods

The Scottish Government states it is building a more compassionate system, based on principles of dignity, fairness, and respect.

When a person gets Adult Disability Payment, Social Security Scotland will review whether they should still get it. Most reviews are between two and 10 years apart.

Social Security Scotland reviews take place at a time when a person’s needs are likely to have changed, to ensure that their payment continues to be at the right level.

A person’s payments will continue whilst a review is happening. People also do not need to re-apply during a review.

For some people whose needs are highly unlikely to change and who receive the enhanced rate of the daily living and mobility components, they will not be asked to take part in a review. This is sometimes called an indefinite award. The Scottish Government says that this meets the principles of dignity, fairness and respect.

How review periods work with PIP

For context, PIP awards can vary in length. The shortest award is nine months. The longest is an ongoing award with a ‘light touch’ review at 10 years in a limited number of circumstances[8].

Most people receiving PIP will have their award regularly reviewed, regardless of the length of the award. This also usually means completing another questionnaire and taking part in another assessment, or the person’s entitlement will end.

Some people will have a limited term award for a fixed period of up to two years. The person must re-apply before the end of the two-year period, or their entitlement will end. Limited awards may be set if a case manager thinks the person’s health condition is expected to improve.

The following question asks about people’s understanding of reviews and review periods for Adult Disability Payment.

Question 13

People may receive an Adult Disability Payment award without a review period (also known as an “indefinite award”) if their needs are highly unlikely to change in the future.

In relation to Adult Disability Payment, do you have any evidence about:

(a) How clearly the decision to make an indefinite award was explained?

(b) Whether or not people understand why they have or have not been given an indefinite award?

(c) What were people’s experience of having an indefinite award? This could include the impact that having an indefinite award has on people’s quality of life compared to people who have had a review period set.



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