
Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment: consultation - easy read

The Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment is consulting on people's views about the first year of delivery. This will be used to help inform recommendations to ensure that Adult Disability Payment meets the needs of disabled people.

Section 4 – Rules about who can get Adult Disability Payment

Social Security Scotland must use rules to help decide who gets Adult Disability Payment.

The rules are called eligibility criteria.

Adult Disability Payment has two parts: a daily living part and a mobility part. A person may get one or both parts.

For the daily living part, there are ten different activities. An activity can include things like help a person needs to prepare food, wash or get dressed.

Each activity scores between 0 and 12 points, if a person can:

  • do it without help or any aids
  • needs an aid or appliance
  • needs help from another person to do the activity.

Social Security Scotland decides how many points a person gets for each activity.

Question 6

Do you agree or disagree that the rules for the daily living part of Adult Disability Payment are easy to understand?  If you need a reminder of the rules for the daily living part, the Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland has produced a factsheet about what the rules are (this opens in PDF format and has not been made by the Independent Review)



Don’t Know

Please give reasons for your answer:

Question 7

If there was an opportunity to change the rules for the daily living part of Adult Disability Payment, what changes would you make (if any)?



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