
Independent Review of Audiology Services in Scotland

Review report and recommendations from the Independent Review of Audiology Services in NHS Scotland. The Review was announced by the Scottish Government in January 2022 in the context of failings in the standards of care provided in the NHS Lothian Paediatrics Services.


This Independent National Audiology Review was commissioned by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, after concerns were identified in the standards of care provided by NHS Lothian Paediatric Audiology service. The Review was asked to examine hearing services and make recommendations on how these could be improved. It has been a privilege to be involved in this process.

This Review and this Report represent the combined efforts of a large number of people and organisations. We would like to thank the patients and the public whose views have been central to our discussions, and the Health and Social Care Alliance who facilitated the engagement. The Review also benefitted from the commitment of audiologists, who shared their experience and also contributed information, with particular thanks due to those participating in the sampling audits. We are enormously grateful to all of the members of the Review group, Reference group and Sub-Groups. I would personally like to thank the Chairs of the Sub-Groups and Reference Group, Angela Bonomy, Adrian Carragher and Robert Farley and Vice Chair of the Review, John Day, who have worked tirelessly and given generously of their time and expertise. We are also very appreciative of the guidance and support provided by colleagues in the Scottish Government’s Chief Nursing Officer Directorate throughout the Review process.

While the Review found examples of good practice, there are many areas ripe for improvement, and there is a huge appetite for change. We firmly believe that implementation of the Review recommendations is an opportunity which must be grasped, to ensure the development of sustainable, high quality Audiology services for everyone in Scotland.

Professor Jacqueline Taylor MBE

Independent Chair



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