Independent Review of Community Learning and Development: a call for evidence. Analysis of responses to the consultation exercise. Analysis report

This report summarises responses to the call for evidence on the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development (CLD) in Scotland. Findings are set out under the four main themes for the Review.

Annex 1. Acronyms used

BSL British Sign Language

CLD Community Learning and Development

CLDMS CLD Managers Scotland

CLDSC CLD Standards Council

COSLA Convention of Scottish Local Authorities

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages

JASS Junior Award Scheme for Schools

HSCP Health and Social Care Partnership

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LEP Local Employability Partnerships

LLCP Local Learning Community Partnerships

PDA Professional Development Awards

SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

SHANARRI Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included

SQA Scottish Qualifications Authority

SVQ Scottish Vocational Qualifications



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