Policing - complaints handling, investigations and misconduct issues: independent review

First independent review of complaint handling, misconduct and investigations since the creation of new policing structures in 2013. Dame Elish Angiolini reviewed the effectiveness of the new systems for dealing with complaints against the police, how well complaints are investigated and the processes involved.

Annex E - List of written submissions to the call for evidence

94 individuals made written submissions

1. Police Scotland

2. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

3. Scottish Chief Police Officers' Staff Association

4. Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

5. Law Society of Scotland

6. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner

7. Association of Scottish Police Superintendents

8. Scottish Women's Rights Centre

9. Scottish Police Authority

10. Scottish Police Federation

11. Retired Police Officers' Association Scotland

12. Scottish Legal Complaints Commission


Email: ian.kernohan@gov.scot

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