
Education Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority: consultation

A consultation on the replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and the reform of Education Scotland.

Purpose of this Consultation

The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of stakeholders to inform recommendations relating to the future shape of Scotland's national education agencies.

The consultation asks wider questions relating to Scotland's education system which will help to inform these recommendations as well as providing an opportunity for specific feedback relating to the proposed changes to Scotland's national education agencies.

Beyond this consultation, there are a number of additional engagement opportunities that will allow you to contribute to all these areas in more detail. These are detailed on the Education Reform part of the Scottish Government website[11].

As part of this consultation we will engage with children and young people to elicit their views on what they would like to see from Scottish education now and in the future.

The results of this consultation process will be used to inform the work of the Expert Panel and the Practitioner and Stakeholder Advisory Group set up to support the Independent Advisor to the Scottish Government leading on this part of the reform exercise. This will conclude with an independent report by Professor Muir to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills in early 2022.

This consultation is divided into the following four sections:

1. Vision

2. Curriculum and Assessment

3. Roles and Responsibilities

4. Replacing the Scottish Qualifications Authority and reforming Education Scotland

We are interested in your comments and ideas so there is space left after each section for you to provide these. If you need more space, please use the box at the end of the questionnaire, indicating to which of the four sections your comments refer.



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