
Education Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority: consultation

A consultation on the replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and the reform of Education Scotland.

Section 1 - Vision

Two decades have passed since the original vision for Curriculum for Excellence was set out. In 2019, a revised narrative on Curriculum for Excellence was published which aimed to update the original vision[12]. Since the introduction of Curriculum for Excellence, there have been marked changes in educational research giving rise to new insights into children and young people's learning, pedagogy, and the kind of knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to progress as learners.

"Scotland's curriculum – Curriculum for Excellence – helps our children and young people gain the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life in the 21st century."

Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence (

As an introduction to the questions which follow in this consultation, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

1.1 The vision for Curriculum for Excellence reflects what matters for the education of children and young people in Scotland.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neither Agree/Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

1.2 What do you think should be retained and/or changed?



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