
Hate crime legislation independent review: consultation (easy-read)

Easy-read version of consultation to inform the independent review of hate crime legislation in Scotland, chaired by Lord Bracadale.

What is hate crime

person crying

Hate crimes can cause harm and upset to the victim and to the community they are part of.

person being victimised

Hate crime is not when you just hate someone.

person being victimised

Hate crime is when a person commits a crime because they hate or are prejudiced against the victim because the victim is part of a group.

diverse group of people

The group can be one or more of the following:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Transgender identity

These groups are called protected characteristics.

person reporting crime to police

The police and the courts treat it as a hate crime if it happens because the victim is from one of these groups.

Question 1

person asking question

Do you think the meaning of hate crime needs to be better explained?

Yes / No

person thinking of answer to question

Please tell us why?

Question 2

people debating question

Do you think we should have hate crime law in Scotland?

Yes / No

person thinking of answer to question

Please tell us why?


Email: Independent review of hate crime legislation - secretariat,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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