
Hate crime legislation independent review: consultation (easy-read)

Easy-read version of consultation to inform the independent review of hate crime legislation in Scotland, chaired by Lord Bracadale.

Racially aggravated harassment and behaviour

person being victimised

There is also a specific offence for racially aggravated harassment and behaviour.

court house

If someone commits a crime because they strongly dislike the victim's race, they can get a tougher punishment.

person gesturing to stop

This offence was created because of concerns that the problems of racial harassment and racially motivated violence were not treated seriously enough by the courts.

police officer and the law

It could be that the type of behaviour covered by the racially aggravated harassment offence would already be covered by the existing statutory aggravations.

red cross

At the moment, there is only a specific harassment offence for race, and no separate offence for harassment aggravated by religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.

Question 4

people debating question

Should there be a specific harassment offence for groups other than race?

Yes / No

person thinking of answer to question

Please tell us why?


Email: Independent review of hate crime legislation - secretariat,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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