
Hate crime legislation independent review: consultation (easy-read)

Easy-read version of consultation to inform the independent review of hate crime legislation in Scotland, chaired by Lord Bracadale.

Online hate crime


Laws that apply to hate crimes committed in person also apply to online hate crime.

people being abused

Online hate crime can include:

  • online abuse, including verbal and emotional abuse
  • offensive literature and websites
  • abusive private messages and hate mail; and
  • online bullying

person crying

On-line hate crime can spread very quickly and can cause a lot of harm and upset.

target with arrow pointing to bullseye

It can be aimed at people or groups of people and it is very difficult to find out who did the crime.

person shrugging shoulders

Some people think that online hate crime is not taken seriously.


Online hate crime can be carried out by a large number of people making it difficult to find out who was responsible.

Question 6

people debating question

Does the current law deal effectively with online hate?

Yes / No

person thinking of answer to question

Please tell us why?


Email: Independent review of hate crime legislation - secretariat,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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