
Independent review – Independent advisory group on new and emerging technologies in policing: final report

The final report of the Independent advisory group on new and emerging technologies in policing.


Akhgar, B., Bayerl, P.S., Bailey, K., Dennis, R., Gibson, H., Heyes, S., Lyle, A., Raven, A. and Sampson, F. (2022) Accountability Principles for Artificial Intelligence (AP4AI) in the Internal Security Domain. AP4AI Framework Blueprint.

Alikhademi, K., Drobina, E., Prioleau, D. et al. (2022), A review of predictive policing from the perspective of fairness. Artificial Intelligence Law, 30, 1–17,

Almeida, D., Shmarko, K., and Lomas, E. (2021). The ethics of facial recognition technologies, surveillance, and accountability in an age of artificial intelligence: a comparative analysis of US, EU, and UK regulatory frameworks. AI Ethics,

Ariel, B., Farrar, W.A. & Sutherland, A. (2015). The Effect of Police Body-Worn Cameras on Use of Force and Citizens' Complaints Against the Police: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Quant Criminol 31, 509–535.

Asaro, P. (2019). AI Ethics in Predictive Policing: From Models of Threat to an Ethics of Care, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 38, 2, 40-53, June 2019, doi: 10.1109/MTS.2019.2915154

Aston, E., O'Neill, M., Hail, Y., and Wooff, A. (2021a) Information sharing in community policing in Europe: building public confidence. European Journal of Criminology.

Aston, E., Murray, K., & O'Neill, M. (2021b). Achieving cultural change through organizational justice: The case of stop and search in Scotland. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 21(1), 40–56.

Aston, E., Wells, H., Bradford, B. and O'Neill, M. (2022), Technology and Police Legitimacy in Verhage, A. et al. (eds.) Policing and Technology in Smart Societies. Switzerland: Palgrave. Pp. 43-68.

Babuta, A., (2017), Big Data and Policing: An Assessment of Law Enforcement Requirements, Expectations and Priorities. Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies.

Babuta, A., and Oswald, M., (2020) Data Analytics and Algorithms in Policing in England and Wales: Towards A New Policy Framework, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies.

Bloch, S. (2021). Aversive racism and community-instigated policing: The spatial politics of Nextdoor. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.

Binns, R. (2022) Human Judgment in algorithmic loops: Individual justice and automated decision-making, Regulation & Governance, 16, 197-211, doi:10.1111/rego.12358.

Birchley, G, Huxtable, R., Murtagh, M. et al. (2017), Smart homes, private homes? An empirical study of technology researchers' perceptions of ethical issues in developing smart-home health technologies. BMC Med Ethics 18, 23,

Bradford, B., Yesberg, J. A., Jackson, J., and Dawson, P., (2020). Live Facial Recognition: Trust and Legitimacy as Predictors of Public Support For Police Use of New Technology, The British Journal of Criminology, 60, 6, 1502–1522,

Bragias, A., Hine, K., & Fleet, R., (2021) 'Only in our best interest, right?' Public perceptions of police use of facial recognition technology, Police Practice and Research, 22, 6, 1637-1654, DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2021.1942873

Brewster, B., Gibson, H., and Gunning, M. (2018). Policing the Community Together: The Impact of Technology on Citizen Engagement. Societal Implications of Community Oriented Policing Technology. 91--102.

Brookman, F., & Jones, H. (2022) Capturing killers: the construction of CCTV evidence during homicide investigations, Policing and Society, 32, 2, 125-144, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2021.1879075

Buchanan, B. et al. (2023) Research evidence, technological innovation and scientific standards in policing workstream report of the IAG. -

Bullock, K. (2018). The Police Use of Social Media: Transformation or Normalisation? Social Policy and Society, 17, 2, 245-258. doi:10.1017/S1474746417000112

Campbell, K. et al. (2023) Informed decision-making, community engagement and participation workstream report of the IAG. -

Clavell, G. (2018), Exploring the ethical, organisational and technological challenges of crime mapping: a critical approach to urban safety technologies. Ethics Inf Technol 20, 265–277.

Chowdhury, M. (2020) Nonparametric models for longitudinal data: With implementation in R, Wu, Colin O., Tian, Xin, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press -

Connon, I.L.C., Egan, M., Hamilton-Smith, N., Mackay, N., Miranda, D., & Webster, C.W.R. (2023) Review of emerging technologies in policing: Findings and recommendations to the IAG. -

Daly, A. et al. (2023) Legal frameworks and ethical standards workstream report of the IAG. -

Dechesne, F. (2019). AI & Ethics at the Police: Towards Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence in the Dutch Police. Leiden/ Delft: Universiteit Leiden.

Depeau, J. (2018) Graph technology is in the pole position to help law enforcement - Graph Technology Is in the POLE Position to Help Law Enforcement [Video] (

Egbert, S., & Krasmann, S. (2020) Predictive policing: not yet, but soon preemptive?, Policing and Society, 30, 8, 905-919, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2019.1611821

Ellis, J., (2019) Renegotiating police legitimacy through amateur video and social media: lessons from the police excessive force at the 2013 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 31. 3, 412-432, DOI: 10.1080/10345329.2019.1640171

Ellison, M., Bannister, J., Lee, W. D., & Haleem, M. S. (2021). Understanding policing demand and deployment through the lens of the city and with the application of big data. Urban Studies, 58, 15, 3157–3175.

Ernst, S., ter Veen, H., and Kop, N. (2021). Technological innovation in a police organization: Lessons learned from the National Police of the Netherlands, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15, 3: 1818–1831,

Facca, D., Smith, M. J, Shelley, J., Lizotte, D., and Donelle, L. (2020), Exploring the ethical issues in research using digital data collection strategies with minors: A scoping review. PLoS ONE 15(8): e0237875.

Fukada-Parr, S., & Gibbons, E. (2021) Emerging consensus on 'Ethical AI': Human rights critique of stakeholder guidelines -

Fung, A. (2006) Varieties of participation in complex governance -

Goldsmith, A. (2015) Disgracebook policing: social media and the rise of police indiscretion, Policing and Society, 25, 3, 249-267, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2013.864653

Furuhaug, R.A., "Open source intelligence methodology," Master's thesis, School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin, 2019.

Fussey, P., & Sandhu, A. (2020). Surveillance arbitration in the era of digital policing. Theoretical Criminology.

Hamilton-Smith, N., McBride, M., & Atkinson, C. (2021) Lights, camera, provocation? Exploring experiences of surveillance in the policing of Scottish football, Policing and Society, 31, 2, 179-194, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2019.1696800

Hayward, K. J., & Maas, M. M. (2021). Artificial intelligence and crime: A primer for criminologists. Crime, Media, Culture, 17, 2, 209–233.

Hendl, T., Chung, R. & Wild, V. (2020), Pandemic Surveillance and Racialized Subpopulations: Mitigating Vulnerabilities in COVID-19 Apps. Bioethical Inquiry 17, 829–834.

Hendrix, J. A., Taniguchi, T., Strom, K. J., Aagaard, B. & Johnson, N. (2019) Strategic policing philosophy and the acquisition of technology: findings from a nationally representative survey of law enforcement, Policing and Society, 29, 6, 727-743, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2017.1322966

Henne, K., Shore, K., & Harb, J. I. (2021). Body-worn cameras, police violence and the politics of evidence: A case of ontological gerrymandering. Critical Social Policy.

Hobson, Z., Yesberg, J.A., Bradford, B. et al. (2021), Artificial fairness? Trust in algorithmic police decision-making. J Exp Criminol.

Hood, J., (2020), Making the Body Electric: The Politics of Body-Worn Cameras and Facial Recognition in the United States, Surveillance and Society, 18, 2, 157-169

Holley, C., Mutongwizo, T., Shearing C., (2020), Conceptualizing Policing and Security: New Harmscapes, the Arithropocene, and Technology, Annual Review of Criminology, 3, 341-358, DOI10.1116/annurev-criminol-011419-041330

Joh, E. (2019). Policing the smart city. International Journal of Law in Context, 15, 2, 177-182. doi:10.1017/S1744552319000107

Joyce, N. M., Ramsey, C. H., & Stewart, J. K. (2013). Commentary on Smart Policing. Police Quarterly, 16, 3, 358–368.

Keenan, B. (2021), Automatic Facial Recognition and the Intensification of Police Surveillance. The Modern Law Review, 84: 886-897.

Klauser, F. (2021). Policing with the drone: Towards an aerial geopolitics of security. Security Dialogue.

Kleinig, J. (1996), The ethics of policing -

Kjellgren, R. (2022). Good Tech, Bad Tech: Policing Sex Trafficking with Big Data. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 11,1, 149-166.

Koper, C. S., Lum, C., & Hibdon, J. (2015). The uses and impacts of mobile computing technology in hot spots policing. Evaluation Review, 39,6, 587–624.

Laufs, J., & Borrion, H. (2021). Technological innovation in policing and crime prevention: Practitioner perspectives from London. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 24, 2: 190–209.

Lennon, G & Fyfe, N 'Principles for accountable policing' (Police foundation, 2022) - SUIIProgrammes/Accountable">Principle of Accountable policing.pdf (

Leslie, D. (2019). Understanding artificial intelligence ethics and safety: A guide for the responsible design and implementation of AI systems in the public sector. The Alan Turing Institute.

Lindeman, D. A., Kim, K. K., Gladstone, C., and Apesoa-Varano, E. C., (2020), Technology and Caregiving: Emerging Interventions and Directions for Research, The Gerontologist, 60, 1: S41–S49,

Lum, C., Stoltz, M., Koper, C. S., & Scherer, J. A., (2019). Research on body-worn cameras: What we know, what we need to know. Criminology & Public Policy 18: 93– 118.

Lumsden , K., & Black, A. (2020) 'Sorry, I'm dead, it's too late now': barriers faced by D/deaf citizens when accessing police services, Disability & Society, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1829555

Lynch, N., Campbell, L., Purshouse, J. and Betkier, M. (2020), Facial Recognition Technology in New Zealand: Towards a Legal and Ethical Framework, The Law Foundation of New Zealand.

Lynch, N. and Chen, A. (2021), Facial Recognition Technology: Considerations for use in Policing. An independent report commissioned by New Zealand Police.

Malgieri, G., and Niklas, J., (2020), Vulnerable data subjects, Computer Law & Security Review, 37, 105415,

McGuire, M. R. (2021) The laughing policebot: automation and the end of policing, Policing and Society, 31, 1, 20-36, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2020.1810249

McKendrick, K. (2019) Artificial Intelligence Prediction and Counterterrorism -

M. MacNeil, M. Koch, A. Kuspinar, D. Juzwishin, P. Lehoux, and P. Stolee, "Enabling health technology innovation in canada: barriers and facilitators in policy and regulatory processes," Health Policy, vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 203– 214, 2019.

M. C. Matusiak and W. R. King, "Advancing the study of police innovation: Toward an empirical definition and classification of contemporary police innovations," Crime & Delinquency, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 1982–2010, 2021.

Meijer, A., & Thaens, M. (2013) Social media strategies: Understanding the differences between North American police departments, Government Information Quarterly, 30, 4, 343-350,

Miliaikeala, S. J. Heen, J., Lieberman, D., & Miethe, T. D. (2018) The thin blue line meets the big blue sky: perceptions of police legitimacy and public attitudes towards aerial drones, Criminal Justice Studies, 31, 1, 18-37, DOI: 10.1080/1478601X.2017.1404463

Milner, M. N., Rice, S., Winter, S. R., & Anania, E. C. (2020) The effect of political affiliation on support for police drone monitoring in the United States. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 7, 2, 129-144.

Miranda, D. (2022) Body-worn cameras 'on the move': exploring the contextual, technical and ethical challenges in policing practice, Policing and Society, 32, 1, 18-34, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2021.1879074

Murphy, J. R., & Estcourt, D. (2020) Surveillance and the state: body-worn cameras, privacy and democratic policing, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 32, 3, 368-378, DOI: 10.1080/10345329.2020.1813383

Neiva, L., Granja, R., & Machado, H. (2022) Big Data applied to criminal investigations: expectations of professionals of police cooperation in the European Union, Policing and Society, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2022.2029433

Nellis, M. (2014), Upgrading electronic monitoring, downgrading probation: Reconfiguring 'offender management' in England and Wales, European Journal of Probation, 6, 2, 169-191, DOI: 10.1177/2066220314540572

Neyroud, P., & Disley, E. (2008), Technology and Policing: Implications for Fairness and Legitimacy, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 2, 2, 226–232.

Noriega, M., (2020) The application of artificial intelligence in police interrogations: An analysis addressing the proposed effect AI has on racial and gender bias, cooperation, and false confessions, Futures, 117, 102510,

O'Connor, C. D. (2017) The police on Twitter: image management, community building, and implications for policing in Canada, Policing and Society, 27, 8, 899-912, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2015.1120731

Oswald, M., & Babuta, A. Machine Learning Predictive Algorithms and the Policing of Future Crimes: Governance and Oversight (2019) -

Oswald, M. (2022), A three-pillar approach to achieving trustworthy and accountable use of AI and emerging technology in policing in England and Wales: Lessons from the West Midlands data ethics model, European Journal of Law and Technology, 13, 1:

Page, A., & Jones, C. (2021) Weaponizing neutrality: the entanglement of policing, affect, and surveillance technologies, Feminist Media Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2021.1939400

Raab, C. (2020) Information privacy, impact assessment, and the place of ethics, Computer Law & Security Review, Volume 37,

Ronquillo, C.E., Peltonen, L.-M., Pruinelli, L., Chu, C.H., Bakken, S., Beduschi, A., Cato, K., Hardiker, N., Junger, A., Michalowski, M., Nyrup, R., Rahimi, S., Reed, D.N., Salakoski, T., Salanterä, S., Walton, N., Weber, P., Wiegand, T. and Topaz, M. (2021), Artificial intelligence in nursing: Priorities and opportunities from an international invitational think-tank of the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership Collaborative. J Adv Nurs, 77: 3707-3717.

Ross, S., (2023) Oversight, scrutiny and review workstream report of the IAG.-

Sakiyama, M., Miethe, T., Lieberman, J. et al. (2017), Big hover or big brother? Public attitudes about drone usage in domestic policing activities. Security Journal, 30, 1027–1044.

Sanders, C. B. & Henderson, S. (2013) Police 'empires' and information technologies: uncovering material and organisational barriers to information sharing in Canadian police services, Policing and Society, 23, 2, 243-260, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2012.703196

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Smith, M., & Miller, S. (2022), The ethical application of biometric facial recognition technology. AI & Soc 37, 167–175

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