Independent Review of Community Learning and Development: Ministerial statement

Statement from the Minister for Higher and Further Education and Minister for Veterans welcoming the report on the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development.

Minister for Higher and Further Education and Minister for Veterans, Graeme Dey MSP, made the following statement, welcoming the report on the Independent Review of Community Learning and Development, with the following statement:

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Kate Still, independent reviewer of CLD for leading this important work to examine the extent to which CLD is delivering positive outcomes for some of our most vulnerable learners and marginalised groups, across our communities in Scotland.

Since the review was commissioned on 5 December 2023 it is clear that learners have been at the heart which aligns to our ambitions for CLD. The comprehensive extent of the review engagement is clearly demonstrated within the report, which has heard from practitioners, stakeholders and partners who deliver CLD and who are passionate about ensuring we provide the best possible opportunities for our learners and potential learners.

The Scottish Government remains committed to ensuring CLD practitioners and organisations can continue to offer services that are focussed on the needs of people in our communities. This report will help us to collectively develop, grow and deliver on these ambitions.

The Scottish Government will now give careful consideration to the findings of the review and the recommendations put forward.  This will be done alongside the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (CoSLA) in the spirit of the Verity House Agreement. We will also look to key partners and organisations who can help us move forward in delivering the best possible opportunities for learners.

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