Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment - SG response: Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment

Fairer Scotland Duty impact assessment conducted on the Scottish Government response to the Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment. Part of a suite of associated impact assessments.


1. Source of data in this section unless otherwise referenced is: Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2020-23

2. Wealth in Scotland 2006-2020

3. Source of data in this section unless otherwise referenced is: Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 6: 2024 Edition

4. European Semester Thematic Factsheet: Early School Leavers, 2017

5. Source of data in this section unless otherwise referenced is: Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 6: 2024 Edition

6. Poverty & Gender Inequality, Education Scotland

7. Education Outcomes for Looked After Children 2021-22

8. Examination Reform: Impact of Linear and Modular Examinations at GCSE, Summary Report. Jo-Anne Baird, Daniel Caro, Victoria Elliott, Yasmine El Masri, Jenni Ingram, Tina Isaacs, Anne Pinot de Moira, Ashmita Randhawa, Gordon Stobart, Michelle Meadows, Caroline Morin, and Rachel Taylor. OUCEA/19/1, Ofqual/19/6506/2, April 2019

9. Connecting Scotland: phase 1 evaluation, Annex C

10. Connecting Scotland: phase 1 evaluation



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