Independent Review of the Response to Deaths in Prison Custody: progress report - follow up
Progress report by Gillian Imery, External Chair to provide an update one year on from the publication of the Independent Review of the Response to Deaths in Prison Custody in respect of the implementation of the recommendations and advisory points made by the Review.
Deaths in Prison Custody Action Group - High level work plan
Consistent, person centred, trauma informed response to all deaths in prison custody. Early independent scrutiny of circumstances of a death, focus on identifying trends and systemic issues and meaningful involvement of bereaved families.
Work streams and actions:
Leadership and Governance work stream:
Shared vision and commitment to ensuring consistent, person centred, trauma informed response
Actions 0-9 months:
- External Chair appointed
- High level work plan published
- Clear vision agreed with partners and bereaved families to inform and deliver response to the Independent Review recommendations
Actions 9-18 months:
- External Chair update to Cabinet Secretary
- Agreement of independent public body to undertake early independent investigation
- Full DIPLAR chaired by an Independent Chair in respect of all deaths in prison held with bereaved family involvement
Actions 18-24 months:
- Independent Investigative process in place to commence at an early stage and conclude within months of a death
- External Chair update to Cabinet Secretary
Workforce and training work stream:
Person centred and trauma informed response delivered by a supported and capable workforce.
Actions 0-9 months:
- Review of training needs for SPS and NHS staff
- Review of available resources and identification of leads with expertise
Actions 9-18 months:
- Action plan in place for delivery of training
- Pathway for trauma informed support for SPS and NHS staff and other person in prison affected by a death owned by respective agencies
- Pathway for SPS and NHS staff defining response and roles following a death in prison owned by respective agencies
Actions 18-24 months:
- Evaluation of pathways and revision as required
Design and delivery of services work stream:
Planning, design and management of services to ensure consistency nationally.
Actions 0-9 months:
- Pilot concern form for families to report concerns to SPS
- Governor in charge first contact on behalf of SPS with bereaved families
- Access to privacy screens and ligature cutters
- NHS prison staff confirming death occurred in agreed circumstances
Actions 9-18 months:
- Accessible process in place for families to report concerns to SPS and be provided with feedback
- National process in place to ensure next of kin details held by SPS are up to date
- Pilot and evaluation of proposed new independent investigative process
Actions 18-24 months:
- Accessible information for bereaved families published detailing investigative processes and their involvement
Quality Improvement work stream:
Continuous improvements to inform delivery of response, enhancement of independent scrutiny and monitoring of outcomes.
Actions 9-18 months:
- Agreements in place to ensure sharing of relevant information between all agencies involved in response to a death in prison
- Pathway in place for communicating and information sharing by all agencies with families following a death in prison
- Consistent national recording and reporting of data relating to deaths in prisons
Actions 18-24 months:
- Process in place for identifying trends and systemic issues and making recommendations
- Monitor and publish implementation of recommendations
- Single Framework in place aimed at preventing deaths in prisons
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