Independent review of Scottish aquaculture consenting - Scottish Government response

The Scottish Government response to the recommendations of the independent review of Scottish aquaculture consenting.

2. Our Response to the 8 Quick Wins

2.1 The ICR identified eight "quick wins" which it noted could be implemented relatively easily and on a short (within 1 year) timescale:

QW1) Strengthen the pre-application process;

QW2) Introduce consistent format for site co-ordinates, site name and summary information;

QW3) Update of Working Arrangements document;

QW4) Integrate wellboat Marine Licence into the CAR Licence;

QW5) Update Scotland's Aquaculture portal;

QW6) Support provision of electronic application forms;

QW7) Update EIA template;

QW8) Hold a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment workshop between SNH, local authorities and industry.

2.2 We agree that there are opportunities to improve the current consenting system and support the objective of all eight quick wins, in accord with the CWG.

2.3 We note that implementation of the quick wins should improve the current consenting process, but that some of the alternative consenting options call for a new consenting system. Delivery of all quick wins will be prioritised to improve the current system, in advance of any long-term structural changes.

2.4 Recognising the need to ensure these recommendations are implemented swiftly to maintain momentum and improve the consenting process for all concerned, work has already commenced on all of the quick wins.

2.5 With the exception of the integration of the wellboat Marine Licence into the CAR Licence (QW4) (which requires amendments to Secondary Legislation and will be reflected in the delivery timetable), the other quick win recommendations can be implemented quickly, though in some cases the delivery mechanism (to that suggested in the ICR) may differ.

2.6 For example, we consider the most appropriate location for relevant regulation, guidance and advice (QW5) to be Marine Scotland's webpages (not Scotland's Aquaculture webpages) and have already taken forward amendments to these pages.

2.7 Implementation of the Quick Wins is being taken forward in conjunction with the CWG. In most cases, responsibility for delivery sits with Marine Scotland, however, other bodies, notably the Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation ( SSPO), The Crown Estate ( TCE) and Scottish Natural Heritage ( SNH) are taking forward individual recommendations.


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