Humanitarian emergency fund: independent review

Independent review of the HEF to assess impacts and possible improvements.

Appendix 2: Review Outline

16 July 2019


  • Review how the HEF is working to deliver its original aims
  • Consider the future operation of the HEF in light of best practice


Given that the HEF was designed following substantial input from the sector, this review will also adopt an inclusive approach, aiming to provide an opportunity for all key organisations involved in this field and active in Scotland to share thoughts on the HEF's functioning and future directions.

The review will ensure that all HEF panel members and grantholders are consulted, including all HEF panel applicants and relevant network organisations. Other humanitarian experts, in the UK and internationally, and key literature sources will also be consulted to help identify good practice and trends for the future.

Areas of focus

Supporting the above twofold purpose, the review will prioritise consideration of certain key aspects of the HEF's work.

The review will explore how the HEF panel has incorporated learning into its decision making and processes, and how members and grantholders (including in-country partners where applicable) have benefitted from HEF grants in terms of capacity development and programmatic learning.

The review will consider the extent to which impact can be measured.

The review will consider the extent to which the HEF's functioning can support the Scottish Government's commitment to the Grand Bargain and other emerging best practice in humanitarian assistance.

The review will assess the steps taken by the HEF panel to mitigate risks related to safeguarding in the delivery of funded assistance.

Information sources

  • Interviews with HEF and sector stakeholders.
  • HEF documentation, including: foundational policy documents, operations manual, meeting minutes, applications, reports (annual, response), website text and media coverage/monitoring.
  • Scottish Government policy documents.
  • Sector reports and guidance on good practice for humanitarian emergency funding, available documentation on other equivalent country models for humanitarian funding.

Timeframe and review stages

Week commencing

Review work steps

15 July

Start-up, review design, planning, initial consultation with Scot Govt. and HEF, scheduling consultation meetings with HEF stakeholders

22, 29 July

Consultation meetings with HEF stakeholders, desk review of HEF documentation

5 August

Further consultation meetings/calls with stakeholders, complete desk review incl. of international good practice

12 August

Write up of consultation, analysis, initial report drafting

19/26 August

Report drafting, peer review of report, indicative submission to Scot Gov end August / early Sept (pending stakeholder availability and timing of above work stages)



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