
Induction approach: what NHS non-executive directors can expect from induction

This resource provides a standard approach to induction for non-executive directors of health bodies.


Photo of David Garbutt Chair of NHS Chairs’ Quality Portfolio Group and Chair of Scottish Ambulance Service

NHS Boards provide the vision and strategic direction through which high quality, safe and effective services are delivered to the people of Scotland. Boards also have responsibility for the provision of effective governance and oversight arrangements for service provision and the non-executive members of the boards have a particular role in seeking assurance that the delivery of these services meets quality standards, and that systems are in place to identify opportunities for improvement and their delivery.

NHS Chairs and colleagues from the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates have been developing a series of resources to assist non-executive directors in their roles and the current versions can be accessed at ( and Particular focus has been concentrated on Quality Improvement and the introduction of a QI programme for non-executive and executive board members.

This resource has, therefore, been prepared to assist non-executive directors in developing an improvement focussed approach across all domains of governance, supporting their contribution to achieving the Scottish Government’s healthcare ambitions. The guide considers how “Good Governance” might be achieved. The content should be used alongside the other documents forming this series, reflecting the wider aims of helping non executive directors understand how they too, can play an essential role in ensuring that their NHS Board maintains its focus on quality.

On behalf of the Chairs of NHS boards, I hope you find this resource useful.

David Garbutt
Chair of NHS Chairs’ Quality Portfolio Group and Chair of Scottish Ambulance Service


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