
Induction for NHS non-executive members: guidance

Guidance on the updated approach to induction for non-executive members of health bodies following the blueprint for good governance.


David Garbutt, Chair of NHS Chairs Group and Chair of NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Boards provide the vision and strategic direction through which high quality, safe and effective services are delivered to the people of Scotland. Boards also have responsibility for the provision of effective governance and oversight arrangements for service provision and the non-executive members of the boards have a particular role in seeking assurance that the delivery of these services meets quality standards, and that systems are in place to identify opportunities for improvement and their delivery.

NHS Chairs and colleagues from the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates worked closely with NES to create a central place for Board Development resources, education and training to support Non-executive members in their roles throughout their term in office.

A national approach to induction was implemented in 2015 to ensure consistency across NHS Scotland, so that all new non-executive members receive the same high quality induction, whilst allowing the Boards flexibility to tailor the induction in accordance to local circumstances and the needs of the individual.

This approach has now been refreshed to reflect the 'Blueprint for Good Governance' which was implemented in January 2019.

On behalf of the Chairs of NHS boards, I hope you find this resource useful.

David Garbutt
Chair of NHS Chairs Group and Chair of NHS Education for Scotland



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