Induction for NHS non-executive members: guidance

Guidance on the updated approach to induction for non-executive members of health bodies following the blueprint for good governance.

Non-Executive Members Induction


  • All members of NHS Boards are appointed by the Scottish Ministers.
  • The Board is a governing body which is collectively responsible for the success of the organisation. The Board's role is to provide leadership of the organisation within a framework of prudent and effective controls which allow risk to be assessed and managed.
  • Boards have a duty to provide Non-Executive Members with the necessary information and training to ensure that they are able to discharge their corporate responsibility to the highest standards.

Key issues to note

  • The governing NHS Board has collective responsibility for its decisions and all Board members have equal status in discussions.
  • The Chair leads the governing body and the Chief Executive leads and manages the organisation.
  • Table 1 illustrates the key roles of Non-Executive Members in comparison with other members of the Board.


To provide an induction programme that will support the Board in discharging their corporate responsibility for ensuring that the Board fulfils the aims and objectives set by Scottish Ministers and demonstrates strong and effective governance capability.


The induction programme for Non-Executive Members has been informed by the 'Blueprint for Good Governance' (below). The induction for Non-Executive Members has been mapped to the Role Description and Core Skills Framework ( and used during the recruitment process.

All Non-Executive Members will receive the same induction in terms of resources that are provided at a national level, combined with a tailored pack which reflects local circumstances.

Blueprint for Good Governance

A 'Blueprint for Good Governance' was circulated to NHS Boards under DL(2019)02 on 1 February 2019. This provides a standard framework which all Boards across Scotland have now implemented.

The Blueprint describes a three-tiered model that defines the functions of a governance system, the enablers and the support required to effectively deliver those functions.

What distinguishes this model from other governance models is its clear acknowledgement of the importance of how the Board approaches the achievement of its strategic aims and objectives as well as its focus on performance and outcomes. Although the model is presented as three distinct sections, they are in reality inter-dependent.

The Governance System



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